Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Friday, August 22, 2008
20-22-8-2008 讀報 (Week 34)
9:33 AM
Typhoon today, no need to work. Sydney White is very funny.
Added "Rule of thumb" extracted from What Got You Here Won't Get You There?, as a reminder to myself.
善用海關特殊區好處多巧避內地加工貿易限制 2008-08-22 明報 B09, 經濟
聯儲局插手挺雷曼求紓財困雷曼密商出售五成股份 2008-08-22 明報 A22, 國金巨龍最前線, 還看今朝, 王金國
俄羅斯與俄羅斯人 2008-08-22 文匯報 C03, 副刊新創線, 藝叢散記, 鄺健銘
水怪史畢茲︰不用再游泳,幾好! 2008-08-21 壹週刊 B118-120, 娛樂名人, 好男好女
齊來打大鱷 2008-08-21 壹週刊 A096, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
資深廣告人 傳授入行秘笈 2008-08-20 香港經濟日報 A34, Career, 吳曉怡
日人對經濟不安舊書《蟹工船》熱銷 2008-08-22 文匯報 C05, 副刊博覽
美國來的香港先生安志杰 2008-08-21 壹週刊 B068-074, 娛樂名人, 豪語錄
香港溫布頓 2008-07-24 壹週刊 A086, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
Books to watch out:
The Retrosexual Manual: How to Be a Real Man
Dave Besley / Publisher: Prion (October 1, 2008)
Review: DailyMail
A queue of children wait to exchange their toy guns for non-weapon-like toys as part of a government project to reduce violence in the area, in the Petare district of Caracas, Venezuela.