Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

23/24-8-2008 讀報 (Week 34)

9:08 AM

Do you curious why I am having more time to update now?

Actually it would be a sad thing, one of my major project this year is delayed, due to some sort of technical problems, and it would means loss of US$3M+ (fill in the pipeline qty) sales this fiscal year...

Long gone my bonussss....

拒當美國人王丹:我沒有國籍 2008-08-24 明報 A16, 港聞, 特寫, 盧曼思
「細佬」美容增性趣 2008-08-24 蘋果日報 G01, 夜生活, 網上淫
Intel發明無線充電系統 2008-08-23 東方日報 A26, 國際
兩青年狂飲咳水飲出血癌 2008-08-24 東方日報 A01, 要聞, 頭條
在日觀日25年 2008-08-24 明報 P30, 讀書, 作家說, 健吾


loss bonus, gain reading time. not that bad. :D

I also think so.

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