Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Finanical planner
8:09 PM
I eat in a fast food chain today, overhearding a finanical planner pitching an innocent on a Zurich annunity.
FP: This plan is a super save investment.
Innocent A: How save?
FP: Unlike other risky funds with tight cash flow, high leverage & invest in exotic products; Fund X has low leverage, big proportion of cash & most important, it invests mainly in HSI companies. Sounds good?
Innocent A: Indeed!
Please find more details on 2800.HK if you dont find this funny. Sometimes, you cant blame salemen selective disclosing pitches....
Mr MD asking where the hell are all the Economist(magazine)...
香港工業總會發言人估計,本港响內地七萬間企業中有25%面臨破產,將影響珠三角一帶一千萬工人生計。 From today 投資者日記.
As you may recall, I am an industrialist.
股聖可以喺淡市投資,但你唔得,因為你唔係世界首富;四叔唔見1000億元仍談笑風生,但你唔得,因為你輸唔起。From yesterday 投資者日記.
Mr Chao is so witty.