Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

15/21-12-2008 讀報 (Week 51)

11:14 AM

2008-12-20 投資者日記, 曹仁超 :


東莞OK便利店全線執笠 2008-12-20 東方日報 A17, 港聞
毒奶事件後豆奶市場熱爆 2008-12-19 明報 B05, 財圈動感, 是日點睛
LED 街燈獲東莞市試用 2008-12-19 明報 B08, 企業創富
藝術基地—深圳大芬油畫村 2008-12-18 文匯報 C01, 副刊旅遊文化, 翹首振翅國泰人與您遊世界, 余似心
癡看:愛Cult片不愛媾女 2008-12-15 蘋果日報 E14, 潮流
富士康裁員10萬人震動長三角 2008-12-15 信報財經新聞 P04, 股市動態
Cult片經典 創打真軍四仔潮 2008-12-20 文匯報 A19, 國際新聞, 「深喉」解碼
Android成為中國手機新希望 2008-12-17 信報財經新聞 P37, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
隆胸熱潮催生大碼胸圍 2008-12-21 文匯報 A13, 趣知廊
偷拍筆通街賣助長淫狼獵春光 2008-12-21 東方日報 A04, 探射燈
談霉豆腐做假論羅聞全仿真 2008-12-20 信報財經新聞 P10, 時事評論, 香島論叢, 練乙錚
內地富豪像螃蟹一紅就死 2008-12-17 信報財經新聞 P13, 兩岸消息

Book of the year 2008 from Economist.

Funny from Apple Daily:

OGC is UK Office of Government Commerce, here is more information.

The funniest thing is the comments from offical:
We concluded that the effect was generic to the particular combination of the letters 'OGC' - and is not inappropriate to an organisation that's looking to have a firm grip on government spend.


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