Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

19/25-4-2009 讀報 (Week 17)

11:56 AM 0 comments

New: (27th in 2009, 383th since 2005)
China Underground
Zachary Mexico / Publisher: Soft Skull Press (March 1, 2009)
McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld
Misha Glenny / Publisher: Knopf (April 8, 2008)
經濟日報出版社 / 出版年份:009-02

Finished: (15th in 2009, 243th in total since 2005)
China Underground
Zachary Mexico / Publisher: Soft Skull Press (March 1, 2009) / 2 striaght days

I am also rereading FA Hayek The Road to Serfdom.

咖啡早餐大戰星巴克vs麥當勞 2009-04-25 蘋果日報 A12, 消費
港女 私人銀行新金礦 3.7萬女富翁 平均身家3400萬 2009-04-23 香港經濟日報 A12, 新聞特寫, 劉德欣
杭女創業一年 300元變300萬 2009-04-25 文匯報 A28, 神州大地
自助印書機掀出版革命 5分鐘印完釘好 300頁收費338元 2009-04-25 文匯報 A20, 國際新聞
葉國華 書贏人生 2009-04-20 明報 D12, 通通識, 人物?概念, 羅樂敏、黃郁文
俄語導遊 港不足10人最大80歲 2009-04-20 文匯報 A04, 重要新聞
娛圈潮語精讀班 2009-04-19 蘋果日報 C14, 名人時尚
到奴役之路 2009-04-22 蘋果日報 E05, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
左派當道 2009-04-21 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山


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Saturday, April 18, 2009

13/18-4-2009 讀報 (Week 16)

10:59 AM 0 comments

New: (25/16th in 2009, 382th since 2005)
作者: 蒙田著 / 出版社: 浙江文艺出版社
作者:環球國家地理編輯委員會 / 出版社:大旗出版社 / 出版日期:2008年05月01日

Finished: (14th in 2009, 242th in total since 2005)
作者:劉必榮 / 出版社:先覺 / 出版日期:2008年08月29日

舞動全城 2009-04-16 壹週刊 A100, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
港大罷免陳一諤運動告急 2009-04-18 蘋果日報 A07, 港聞

Funny: Apple is not always good.

Funny 2: Puppetry of the Penis - Wiki / Video. Please do not check the Video in office like him. The video involve using penis, scrotum and testicles to make various shapes, like hamberger, mushroom and etc.


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Sunday, April 12, 2009

29/12-3/4-2009 讀報 (Week 15)

1:02 PM 0 comments

Nice chat with Ryan... He is an extradinary and influential friend of mine, although he may not notice. Wonder if I would be taking that role to anyone?

The Essays of Montaigne, Complete, by Michel de Montaigne Project Gutenberg
Michel de Montaigne Quotes Brainyquotes
Familiar Quotations
Columbia Quotations

Finished: (13th in 2009, 241th in total since 2005)
Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets
Sudhir Venkatesh / Publisher: Penguin Press HC, The (January 10, 2008)

「為祖國減輕就業壓力」貧困大學生鬧市賣可樂 2009-04-09 明報 A28, 寰宇
絕世筍工與好蹺 2009-04-09 香港經濟日報 C12, 世事, 世事——玳玳茶, 梁玳寧
圖書館變搵工進修樂園 失業者排隊霸位 感受人氣助增自信 2009-04-06 香港經濟日報 A22, 社會要聞, 蔡瑤
愛,別太遲 港版禮儀師 莫羽彤 2009-04-01 東周刊 A52-56, 人物傳奇


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Friday, April 10, 2009

Update later 2

11:32 PM 0 comments

I have finially completed the visit on 8 Apr(Wed), but things are still going crazy on 9 Apr(Thur)...

Here are some photos that I need to remember, on the poverty of China...

New: (19/20/21/22/23/24th in 2009, 380th since 2005)
Loudspeaker Handbook
John Eargle / Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (January 31, 1997)
出版社:吉林出版社 / 出版时间: 2007-10-1
How to be Free
Tom Hodgkinson / Publisher: Hamish Hamilton Ltd (5 Oct 2006)
How to Be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work & Everything: 44 1/2 Steps to Lasting Underachievement
Steve McDermott / Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (January 20, 2008)
作者:劉必榮 / 出版社:先覺 / 出版日期:2008年08月29日
Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets
Sudhir Venkatesh / Publisher: Penguin Press HC, The (January 10, 2008)

Imagining Robert Taylor Project is a modern replicia of 天水圍, would help understanding what is going on in Gang Leader for a day, where majority people are immigant and somewhat discriminated, only without guns.

Finished: (12th in 2009, 240th in total since 2005)
All the Money in the World: How the Forbes 400 Make--and Spend--Their Fortunes
Peter W. Bernstein (Author), Annalyn Swan / Publisher: Vintage; Reprint edition (December 2, 2008)

Funny: Get'cha head in the game!

Funny 2: 機(場)巴(士) = Gay Bar

Funny 3: Russian alphabet - adult version.
If you have some understanding, you will find it funny.

Here is the order: Н А П И К Ж Ь Ъ Ы Х


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Friday, April 03, 2009

Update later

11:15 PM 0 comments

I have gone to Disneyland HK on 2-3 Apr (Thur-Fri) for Cynthia pre-birthday celebration. We only spend 4 hours to play every ride... Amazing how small is the Disney world! Then go back to work on 5 Apr(Sun).

Funny: National Pastime from National People's Congress - leaders of the awaken dragon. More from Sleepingchinese


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