Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

13/18-4-2009 讀報 (Week 16)

10:59 AM

New: (25/16th in 2009, 382th since 2005)
作者: 蒙田著 / 出版社: 浙江文艺出版社
作者:環球國家地理編輯委員會 / 出版社:大旗出版社 / 出版日期:2008年05月01日

Finished: (14th in 2009, 242th in total since 2005)
作者:劉必榮 / 出版社:先覺 / 出版日期:2008年08月29日

舞動全城 2009-04-16 壹週刊 A100, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
港大罷免陳一諤運動告急 2009-04-18 蘋果日報 A07, 港聞

Funny: Apple is not always good.

Funny 2: Puppetry of the Penis - Wiki / Video. Please do not check the Video in office like him. The video involve using penis, scrotum and testicles to make various shapes, like hamberger, mushroom and etc.


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