Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
22/28-6-2009 讀報 (Wk 26)
12:05 PM
New : (42/43th in 2009, 399th since 2005)
Finished: (24th in 2009, 252th in total since 2005)
其實我們沒那麼了解 ~ ~ 美國:在美國念書、過美國生活、當美國人之前必讀
作者:杉田米行 / 出版日期:2009年05月25日
港資廠爆漢維兩族衝突女工被姦觸發300人群毆2死118傷 2009-06-27 蘋果日報 A20, 兩岸要聞
山寨熱潮捲電影業 「巨星」雲集 2009-06-27 香港經濟日報 A14, 中國專題, 潘攀
食K仔價廉方便成首選 醫生:損記憶力致尿頻 2009-06-26 明報 A09, 港聞
星級應召集團荷李活女星陪過夜 2009-06-26 明報 A22, 國際
《香港亂噏》有發展空間 2009-06-26 明報 C08, 娛樂, 影視監察力, 郭繾澂
業主遇租霸 有苦自己知 2009-06-26 香港經濟日報 A14, 新聞特寫
舊樓翻新出租 磚頭變黃金? 日漫授投資秘技 專家:實行風險高 2009-06-26 香港經濟日報 A14, 新聞特寫 550
會計女強人的悠長假期 2009-06-26 信報財經新聞 P35, 理財投資, 年青有計, 沈繼思
李添勝專訪 40年刀光劍影 2009-06-24 香港經濟日報 C01, 人物, 人物, 鄺素媚
天使投資者的告白 2009-06-22 投資理財周刊 030,031, 財富管理, 理財專題1, 陳慕恩、郭子聰、陸柏勤
26歲妹賣鞋月賺$90萬 2009-06-25 壹週刊 A100-102, 財經, 壹盤生意
太陽能機環球飛不停 2009-06-28 新報 A12, 國際, 世界視窗
Banksy is a genius. Balloon-Girl in Palestine (2005)
This was created at the time of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestine (started in 1993 going to this very day, many Palestinian people have not accepted many aspects of agreements made with Israel). The image was created make people stop and think about the children in this war between the two.
This artifact is on a 425-mile-long West Bank barrier, separating Israel from the Palestinian territories. The context of the image is seen as a hopeless end that the only was to get over this wall is to hold balloons and believe (fly) which isn't reality. The visual artifact is intended for a mass audience which is nationally, although it's on the wall which separates the land this gives people the hope to believe. Via here.
Another genius:
Via bigarnex
"會計女強人的悠長假期"呢篇野好正,日日快睇信報, 竟然錯過了這篇,多謝你post番o係你個blog度!
btw, 咁正o既文, 借來一用~ thanks!