Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Friday, June 12, 2009
10:29 PM
Quite excited. Don't know if I could encounter any pretty sisters... Haha
Here are some funny viedo... Do not try to figure me out, I am not one of them.
On 14 Jun, 1:30am I arrived home. Being a best man is so much fun. All the bridesmaids are pretty, friendly and gentle to us. Good to meet you, Peng, Lesley & Eva low b. I have devoted my precious first time to you girls. It is a good good show! Could we still keep contact?
Bride & bridesmaids cried in some touching moment, I guess I should learn how to handle such situation if I want to be a man.
I asked Cynthia if she will cry in wedding, she replied she will even dreamt of it. May be I am so Spock that I do not understand the feeling, or I am not mature enough to understand the importance & implication??
Wish Rambo & Vicky a happy couple all the time.
廠佬 2009-06-09 信報財經新聞 P34, 理財投資, 龔耀輝
梅迪奇效應 2009-06-08 明報 D09, 副刊時代, 蒼蠅一聲笑, 林超榮
德黑蘭六月驚雷 內賈德決一死戰2009-06-12 東方日報 A36, 國際, 世界視線
金融以外 可以活得很精采! 2009-06-08 信報財經新聞 P31, 理財投資, 金融圈內, 錢志健
買龍定買象? 2009-06-12 信報財經新聞 P17, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 畢老林
蔡指強夠啜核 2009-06-12 香港經濟日報 C10, 專欄, 專欄——關人馬事, 活力先生
日70%未婚男士無女友 2009-06-08 新報 E04, 放眼世界, 世界視窗
星巴克懷舊冰室 地道食品作招徠 2009-06-11 香港經濟日報 A28, 商業˙工貿
香港亂嗡 is super funny.