Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
5/12-7-2009 讀報 (Wk 28)
3:56 PM
New: (51th in 2009, 407th since 2005)
Around the World in 80 Days
Michael Palin / Publisher: BBC Books (September 30, 2004) ←You may know that I am a big of Jules Verne, and read A Journey to the Center of the Earth for at least 3 times, always dreamt to be Axel. This actual title of course excite me.
Finished: (25th in 2009, 253th in total since 2005)
作者:真敬 / 出版日期:2009年06月24日
非去不可的全球百大展覽 - This is the content of a book with this title. That's already enough.
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny Jack Black
廣東漢維衝突背後 2009-07-12 亞洲週刊 P42, 特別報道, 張潔平
專訪:紅牛「新舒密加」維特爾衝上雲霄 2009-07-12 蘋果日報 AA6, 體育要聞
亞馬遜Kindle 2割價 冀獨佔市場 減至299美元 書商利潤恐大減 2009-07-10 香港經濟日報 A23, 國際動態, 陳國勳
1. Mobile Home made of 3 containers. I have seen it in China, but this one is in Sydney. It stun me that the condition is pretty good inside.
2. For those lazy "news" people's reference that all below are fabricated:
有位叫 Catherine Robertson 的婦女,告贏一家傢俱店得到七十八萬美元的賠償,原因是她在該傢俱店內奔跑時,被一小孩絆倒而扭傷了腳關節,店員沒有制止小孩在店內玩耍。該小孩不是別人,正是她的兒子。
一位十九歲的青年 Carl Truman,得到七萬八千元外加醫療費用的賠償,因為他的鄰居開車壓過他的手。 為什麼會發生?那位鄰居開車時,沒有注意到這位青年正在偷他汽車輪胎上的車蓋。
有位笨賊名叫 Terence Dickson,他在一家住宅行竊,當他試圖從車庫離開時,車庫的自動開門裝置壞了,門打不開,而回到房屋的門又關上鎖住了。不巧屋主在外度假,於是笨賊 被困在車庫達八天之久,只靠一罐可樂和一袋狗糧度日。 義憤填膺的他怒告屋主的保險公司,贏得五十萬元賠償。
More: 壹大押
3. Tagage - An introduction to world of board games. Awesome!