Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
23/29-8-2009 讀報 (Wk 35)
9:43 AM 0 comments
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
37th (7.54%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 7 Aug 10
Finished: (32/33th in 2009, 261th in total since 2005)
朱偉舜、莊佳凱 / Softrepublic
New & Finished: (62th in 2009, 418th since 2005)
作者 托爾斯泰 / 譯者 柳曉陽 / 木馬文化事業股份有限公司
Watched The History Boy. Listening to The Chimes. I think this is the genre that HK is missing.
Just know that one of my classmate has been admitted to Harvard. Good job!
港青質素下滑去年只成功取錄12人國泰聘非港人機師學員21年首次 2009-08-28 蘋果日報 A10, 港聞
網上成本低 用「免費」開拓商機 2009-08-28 香港經濟日報 A34, 國是港事, 黃雅麗
電子精英年僅34歲 兩女華人同獲殊榮 2009-08-28 蘋果日報 A02, 要聞
辦公室欺凌事件 2009-08-28 香港經濟日報 C06, 世事, 世事——會笑的媽媽, 鄧藹霖
企醫與黑白武士 根本不是醫生 2009-08-27 信報財經新聞 P35, 生活智慧, 傳承與壯大, 何華真
《喜羊羊與灰太狼之牛氣沖天》衣錦還「香」 2009-08-26 香港經濟日報 C03, 電影, 電影, 鄧龍傑
蔡子強vs.蔡指強 2009-08-25 明報 D04, 副刊世紀, 世紀Critical vs. Cynical, 鄭依依
《傲慢與偏見》變身喪屍小說無厘頭文化 西方也流行 2009-08-28 文匯報 C03, 副刊博覽
港大建築 2009-08-25 信報財經新聞 P36, YZ世代, 陳雅妍
馬二王 2009-08-27 壹週刊 A096, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
大廣東 2009-08-26 am730 M33, 小歇, 書評, 甄偉能
Friday, August 28, 2009
KEF Concept Blade Debut Performance
11:12 AM 0 comments
I am going to attend below Concept Blade debut performance show this weekend. Let's see how a HK$1,000,000 loudspeaker looks like. (Actually, I have tried it in private & it sounds great! The sweetest speaker I experienced.)
Update on 31 Aug:
I guess I am the youngest in the show. If you happened to be there, you could certainly spot me.
I like it play classical more, than pop/bossa nova/electric. The Four Seasons from Vivaldi is the best piece.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
16/22-8-2009 讀報 (Wk 34)
2:03 PM 9 comments
Enjoyed the 5th Anniversary with Cynthia. To our future, cheers!
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
28th (5.70%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 30 Oct 10
Finished Again: (31th in 2009, 259th in total since 2005)
我的聖經狂想曲 / The Year of Living Biblically
賈各布斯 Jacobs, A. J. / 遠流出版事業股份有限公司 / 2009/07/31
New: (61th in 2009, 417th since 2005)
A History of Invention: From Stone Axes to Silicon Chips
Trevor I. Williams / Publisher: Checkmark Books; Rev Upd Su edition (February 2000)
Watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High & Art School Confidential.
Enjoyed Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band Annual Concert on Sunday.
學生創智能缸 網上隨時餵魚 2009-08-21 明報 A14, 教育
10好書贈客 摩通有意外收穫 打開話匣子 深化客戶信賴 2009-08-20 香港經濟日報 A12, 新聞特寫, 黃振豪
娛圈360:50經典港產笑片 2009-08-16 蘋果日報 C12, 娛樂名人
超級巨聲 2009-08-20 壹週刊 A026, 時事, 坦白聲
Kick butt book cover PSD
Sometimes, I wish Cynthia has this... I mean the tattoo. This tattoo is very philosophical, do you want it to be turn "ON" or turn "OFF"?
I've been reading your blog with great interest and admiration. Is this just a one-man band? It's extremely diverse for a Hong Kong-er and something that I'm really looking to do something like this myself albeit difficult with no readers, time and dedication.
What exactly is your purpose for doing this?
It's seems like you are some kinda of genius to make orangedays.
I enjoy your blog.
Actually, how much time have you spend on this?
Hi all, thanks for your interest.
I do Orangedays as I am forgetful on what I have done and especially read. I used to spend an hour reading news every day, but now I could only have time to do it 2 hours every week.
I do not mean to share articles with others, Orandedays is just a personal record.
About reader, the Feedburner counter is actually a count down for me. I know that this is not a perfectly legal to continue Orangedays indefinitely, thus when it reach a certain readership, I will stop it.
If possible, could I have your name? It would be nice to know you guys.
Yeh, that 1st Anon is from me.
I'd love to start something like this, would be so good to have a legion of readers~~~
Hihi, the third is me.
Hi Sunny & Candy, nice to meet you.
I am also thinking something interesting & worthwhile to do...
hah! tim! seems you have so many ano fans! well! i am now more busy like before, have no time update your blog oftenly... sometimes just iPhone on bed and after reading and fall sleep with handing orangedays...!
well... dont stop orangedays... will possible to find another way ... or..?
--cynthia leung
Hi Cynthia, sorry that Orangedays makes you fall asleep... Just kidding. :)
I guess there is still a long way before I close this down. Hope people working press do not find it offensive.
On the other hand, I always believe "the best is yet come". The end is just a better beginning.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
9/15-8-2009 讀報 (Wk 33)
9:30 AM 0 comments
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
20th (4.07%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 30 Oct 10
New: (57/58/59/60th in 2009, 416th since 2005)
朱偉舜、莊佳凱 / Softrepublic
501 Great Writers: A Comprehensive Guide to the Giants of Literature
Julian Patrick / Publisher: Barron's Educational Series (September 12, 2008)
Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Novel
Jane Smiley / Publisher: Knopf (September 13, 2005)
我的聖經狂想曲 / The Year of Living Biblically
賈各布斯 Jacobs, A. J. / 遠流出版事業股份有限公司 / 2009/07/31 ←I have bought the original version in 2007, this is a good chance for me to revisit this funny prose.
My next pursue: The Unlikely Disciple: A Sinner's Semester at America's Holiest University
Just discover Baby Bach is quite easy listening.
37款避孕套穿漏易爆 易「搞出人命」染性病 杜蕾斯持久裝含麻藥可致過敏 2009-08-15 文匯報 A15, 香港新聞
吃不死你的 2009-08-15 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 黃金冒險號, 陶傑
《達文西密碼》續集逆市搶銷 2009-08-14 文匯報 C05, 副刊博覽
「想保住份工你要識做」經理涉木椅上姦女侍應 2009-08-14 蘋果日報 A38, 法庭
跨年代工業管理 2009-08-14 信報財經新聞 P37, 理財投資, 管理新思維, 陳志輝 謝冠東 陳志輝、張璧賢 尹德勝
伏殺新義安最後打仔泰龍 2009-08-13 壹週刊 A046-050, 時事, 壹號頭條
鄧小宇不寂寞 2009-08-12 蘋果日報 E12, 潮流
她來自中環 2009-08-10 信報財經新聞 P38, 藝術長廊, 文字力量, 林沛理
With due respect:
Saturday, August 08, 2009
3/8-8-2009 讀報 (Wk 32)
9:56 AM 0 comments
My Spark Life, Literally (10th of 491)
Finished Again: (30th in 2009, 258th in total since 2005)
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jules Verne / Publisher: Simon & Schuster (May 6, 2008)
You may wonder why I could read fast again, because my subscription to Financial Times has ended, it is freaking expensive.
Groundhog Day is a good idea. I wish I could have the time as Phil do to learn everything & everyone.
名作家稱專家失敗致金融危機 2009-08-08 信報財經新聞 P10, 國際時事
黃子華笑聲為港人打氣 2009-08-07 明報 C08, 娛樂
追女必殺技 2009-08-06 壹週刊 A030, 時事, 坦白講
中環 wikipedia 之 面試篇 2009-08-06 信報財經新聞 P30, 生活智慧, 一言堂, Sophie
音樂「神童」是這樣練成的 2009-08-04 信報財經新聞 P36, YZ世代, YZ世代, 李志榮
好戲在後頭 2009-08-03 香港經濟日報 C10, 專欄, 專欄——雲海漫遊, 藍海寧
被捕丈夫供出「妻子有吸食」酒井法子 遭日警方 通緝 2009-08-08 文匯報 A25, 國際星情
鄉鎮政府「吃、拿、要」故意刁難 港資廠遷粵北變肥羊任宰割 2009-08-05 蘋果日報 A26, 兩岸要聞
碟仙 2009-08-06 信報財經新聞 P31, 文化, 我私故我在, 陳雲
寂寞笑匠盧海鵬 2009-08-06 壹週刊 B076-082, 娛樂名人, 豪語錄
小心莫變成環保塔利班 2009-08-06 明報 A30, MP+觀點, 裝君王論, 蔡子強
高頻交易 心戰攻房 2009-08-03 信報財經新聞 P31, 理財投資, 金融圈內, 錢志健
Book to watch: The Year of Living Biblically - Chinese version
Remembrance of things past:
Rachmaninoff - Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Op. 43, Variation XVIII is so great!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
26/2-7/8-2009 讀報 (Wk 31)
9:25 AM 2 comments
My Spark Life, Literally (4th of 491)
Finished: (27/28/29th in 2009, 257th in total since 2005)
Faux Pas?: A No-nonsense Guide to Foreign Words and Phrases in Everyday Language
Philip Gooden / Publisher: A & C Black Publishers Ltd (July 27, 2007)
How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read Pierre Bayard / Publisher: Bloomsbury USA; 1st Edition, 1st Printing edition (October 30, 2007)
New: (55/56th in 2009, 412th since 2005)
作者: 冰夫 / 出版單位: 上海譯文 / 出版日期: 2009.05
作者: 胡蕙宁著 / 出 版 社: 旅游教育出版社 / 出版时间: 2009-1-1
哈佛史丹福課程網上任睇 YouTube推教育頻道 2009-08-01 明報 A22, 國際
《香港華爾街的孩子》 反思投行生涯 2009-07-31 香港經濟日報 A34, 國是港事, 這時勢、該看甚麼書, 黃雅麗
政經雜誌中的貓屎咖啡 2009-07-31 明報 B09, 創富理財, 翼的聯想, 張宗永
講古佬吳昊 2009-07-30 壹週刊 A074-077, 時事, 非常人語
我的葉一南 2009-07-30 壹週刊 A102, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
研發、研發、再研發 2009-07-27 信報財經新聞 P18, 理財投資, 金融圈內, 錢志健
寶馬退出F1 超跑不敵環保車? 2009-07-31 香港經濟日報 A10, 要聞, 國金札記, 嚴智勇
老外擔心「牛面熊身」 2009-07-31 信報財經新聞 P17, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 畢老林
周融出書博鬧 2009-07-29 香港經濟日報 C10, 專欄, 專欄——關人馬事, 活力先生
叻人的問題 2009-07-29 am730 M20, 新聞, 人在中環, CK
This is no M&M or hallucinogen.
In an effort to counter widespread hunger caused by drought & war in north of Kabal, a malnourished boy was supplied with this iron supplement pill.
Sorry for bringing up sad thing, but we are living in the same world.
I read your blog when searching news article. I'm impressed with your board coverage and so I've bookmarked your blog. Just keep up your good work! Thanks for sharing too.
Hi. It's good to know you.