Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
26/31-10-2009 讀報 (Wk 44)
9:20 AM 0 comments
New: (77/78th in 2009, 433th since 2005)
MARCUS BERKMANN / Publisher: ABACUS (January 1, 2008)
A Year of Adventures: Lonely Planet's Guide to Where, What And When to Do It
Andrew Bain / Publisher: Lonely Planet (August 1, 2006)
Finished: (44/45/46/47th in 2009, 273th in total since 2005)
呂大樂 / 香港 : 進一步多媒體有限公司, 2007
江湖忠人著 / 香港 : 次文化堂, 2006.
黃世榮著 / 香港 : 次文化有限公司, 1995
蔡東豪 / 香港 : 上書局, 2008
I went to HKU today to read the above 4 books in library. It reminds me of how I spend my college life.
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
76th (15.07%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 27 Mar 11
Anton Chekhov still holding me back... I have finished his plays, short stories are more easy to understand and suit my taste. A funny note is that Chekhov once visited Hong Kong in 1890 and impressed by the "excellent roads, trams, a railway to the mountains, a museum, botanical gardens..." via Timeout HK.
AFI 100
12th of 100 since 12 Sept 09 /
Expect completion date: 9 Jul 11
愛滋病死者多男髮型師 2009-10-31 蘋果日報 A20, 環球Pop-up
互聯網40 歲 迎最大變革 非英文網址明年面世 2009-10-31 明報 A22, 國際
量子電腦1 分鐘計10 億年數 2009-10-31 明報 A12, 教育
電子書閱讀器進入春秋戰國時代 2009-10-31 信報財經新聞 P25, 理財投資, 有「橋」未為輸, 江燕來
港產北佬李照興 2009-10-29 壹週刊 A068-072, 時事, 非常人語
港大推紅酒MBA 課程 教營運管理學費22 萬 2009-10-30 明報 A28, MP+生活, 謝凱瑩
在年報第49頁 2009-10-29 壹週刊 A124, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
My college life: The legs belong to a lady and I am on top. What we are doing is up to your imagination.
Sparknotes x Youtube on 1984:
Sunday, October 25, 2009
18/25-10-2009 讀報 (Wk 43)
9:07 AM 0 comments
To celebrate the 4th birthday of Orangedays.
New: (76th in 2009, 431th since 2005)
In Fact: You are One-Third Daffodil and other facts to turn your world upside down
Prospect Magazine / Publisher: Preface Publishing (October 7, 2008)
Finished: (42/43th in 2009, 269th in total since 2005)
The Rough Guide to Classic Novels
Simon Mason / Publisher: Rough Guides Limited (June 30, 2008)
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
72th (14.66%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 3 Mar 11 /
Anton Chekhov is holding me back...
AFI 100
11th of 100 since 12 Sept 09 /
Expect completion date: 9 Jul 11
「後和平獎年代」的南非 2009-10-25 亞洲週刊 P33, 國際制高點, 沈旭暉
David Swensen :我喜愛勝利 2009-10-21 信報財經新聞 P39, 人物, 人物, Chrystia Freeland
港大生示愛片選會長 2009-10-21 明報 B14, MP+Emily
新書推介:保育從騎呢入手 2009-10-21 蘋果日報 E14, Face to Face
兩本「腦轉彎」新書同日發售 2009-10-24 信報財經新聞 P22, 理財投資, 書評, 黃秉華
再見GeoCities! 2009-10-22 e-zone P100-101, internet buzz
補習天王Ken Sir講英文露底陶傑:唔知佢乜! 2009-10-21 FACE 週刊 F034-035, 本地娛樂
偷什麼不算偷 2009-10-18 蘋果日報 E06, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
福記爆煲啟示:單看負債不足夠 2009-10-22 香港經濟日報 006, 投資理財, 股壇解碼器
Funny: 港大生示愛片選會長
I have been to HKU open day yesterday. Many hall reps come and invite me for a visit. Of course, I only bullshit with pretty one.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
11/17-10-2009 讀報 (Wk 42)
8:38 PM 0 comments
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
72th (14.66%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 8 Jan 11
AFI 100
10th of 100 since 12 Sept 09 /
Expect completion date: 9 Jul 11
邊青學者 沈旭暉 2009-10-17 信報財經新聞 P07, 政在生活, 政在生活, 蔡傳威
神奇酒鑰匙加速陳化 2009-10-17 明報 D03, 飲食, 全城至優惠, 一鋒
珍珠奶茶潮爆批發商月賺$36萬 2009-10-15 壹週刊 A086-088, 財經, 壹盤生意
老翻歌點唱機首見侵港 內存逾2萬舊歌電影 海關鴨寮街拘7人 2009-10-13 文匯報 A14, 香港新聞
網友評「最差10書」鹿鼎記居首 2009-10-13 文匯報 A47, 神州大地
港首辦葡萄酒MBA 國際認可 赴波爾多釀酒區實習 學費逾20萬 2009-10-12 香港經濟日報 A06, 要聞, 范偉潔
《華日》成美報龍頭 大眾報刊末日 2009-10-12 信報財經新聞 P18, 國際時事
美式快餐 進駐朝鮮 2009-10-17 文匯報 A33, 副刊趣知廊, 業欣
Monday, October 12, 2009
Read list!
11:58 AM 0 comments
New: (75th in 2009, 430th since 2005)
彭志銘 / 次文化堂 / 出版日期: 2007年
Finished: (40/41th in 2009, 267th in total since 2005)
History without the Boring Bits: A Curious Chronology of the World
Ian Crofton / Publisher: Quercus Publishing Plc (6 Sep 2007)
Saturday, October 10, 2009
4/10-10-2009 讀報 (Wk 41)
10:13 AM 0 comments
New: (73/73th in 2009, 430th since 2005)
How to Read Novels Like a Professor: A Jaunty Exploration of the World's Favorite Literary Form
Thomas C. Foster / Publisher: Harper Paperbacks (July 1, 2008)
Neil Grant / 究竟出版社
Finished: (39th in 2009, 265th in total since 2005)
365 Ways To Change the World: How to Make a Difference-- One Day at a Time
Michael Norton / Publisher: Free Press (January 2, 2007)
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
72th (14.66%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 21 Nov 10
I am reading plays of Samuel Beckett. To be frank, I do not quite understand.
AFI 100
9th of 100 since 12 Sept 09 /
Expect completion date: 9 Jul 11
連續兩日截南亞人蛇后海灣拘14人蛇頭年僅16歲 2009-10-10 蘋果日報 A10, 港聞
男拔校長 見盡古怪天才 音樂資優童 愛思考生死 2009-10-10 香港經濟日報 A18, 社會要聞, 王明瑜
金奶威只是工作狂 2009-10-10 信報財經新聞 P32, 副刊專欄, 醉酒篇, 東籬
小便滅聲器日本大熱賣 2009-10-05 蘋果日報 A20, 環球Pop-up
《1Q84》中文版 掀村上春樹效應 闊別7年東瀛熱賣 港商趁旺入貨 2009-10-05 香港經濟日報 A14, 新聞特寫, 范偉潔、黃振豪
周秀娜短裙襲科大 不解提問 學者批精英階層歧視口靚模 2009-10-08 明報 A14, 教育
猛男販賣機 一解寂寞 2009-10-08 蘋果日報 A18, 環球Pop-up
高錕校長的故事:大學就是包容 2009-10-08 明報 A30, MP+觀點, 精裝君王論, 蔡子強
阿甘活劇 2009-10-10 蘋果日報 E10, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
My childhood: Finding Wally.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
27/3-9-2009 讀報 (Wk 40)
4:56 PM 0 comments
New: (68/69/70/71/72th in 2009, 428th since 2005)
黃蓉 / 海鴿 / 2006年01月01日
365 Ways To Change the World: How to Make a Difference-- One Day at a Time
Michael Norton / Publisher: Free Press (January 2, 2007)
History without the Boring Bits: A Curious Chronology of the World
Ian Crofton / Publisher: Quercus Publishing Plc (6 Sep 2007)
Dandelion Wine
Ray Bradbury / Publisher: William Morrow (February 1, 1999)
Finished: (38th in 2009, 264th in total since 2005)
怎樣寫小說 小說創作十二講
王璞 / 2008年10月 / 匯智出版
My Literate Life with Sparknotes
68th (13.85%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 29 Oct 10
AFI 100
8th of 100 since 12 Sept 09 /
Expect completion date: 9 Jul 11
A side bar is added showing my Sparklife & AFI100 progress.
自爆搭上女下屬美名嘴或涉濫用職權 2009-10-04 蘋果日報 A20, 國際要聞
搞笑諾獎熊貓糞分解垃圾 日中學者奪魁 「胸圍口罩」防輻射 空樽「扑頭」最致命 2009-10-03 文匯報 A10, 國際新聞
創業有take 3林永君 2009-10-01 壹週刊 S014-016, NEXT 2.0, iHearU
博物館總監年僅6歲 2009-09-28 文匯報 B07, 副刊趣知廊, 業欣
國慶長假怪現象「網絡保母」有錢途 2009-10-01 e-zone P009, frontside update
學業困擾萌死念 研究生港大賓館燒炭 2009-10-02 明報 A18, 港聞
跑,向前跑。 2009-10-02 飲食男女 ET147, Food Lovers, 中環人食錄, 葉一南
Funny: To celebrate National Day.