Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

26/31-10-2009 讀報 (Wk 44)

9:20 AM

New: (77/78th in 2009, 433th since 2005)
MARCUS BERKMANN / Publisher: ABACUS (January 1, 2008)
A Year of Adventures: Lonely Planet's Guide to Where, What And When to Do It
Andrew Bain / Publisher: Lonely Planet (August 1, 2006)

Finished: (44/45/46/47th in 2009, 273th in total since 2005)
呂大樂 / 香港 : 進一步多媒體有限公司, 2007
江湖忠人著 / 香港 : 次文化堂, 2006.
黃世榮著 / 香港 : 次文化有限公司, 1995
蔡東豪 / 香港 : 上書局, 2008

I went to HKU today to read the above 4 books in library. It reminds me of how I spend my college life.

My Literate Life with Sparknotes
76th (15.07%) of 491 since 1 Aug 09 /
Expect completion date: 27 Mar 11
Anton Chekhov still holding me back... I have finished his plays, short stories are more easy to understand and suit my taste. A funny note is that Chekhov once visited Hong Kong in 1890 and impressed by the "excellent roads, trams, a railway to the mountains, a museum, botanical gardens..." via Timeout HK.

AFI 100
12th of 100 since 12 Sept 09 /
Expect completion date: 9 Jul 11

愛滋病死者多男髮型師 2009-10-31 蘋果日報 A20, 環球Pop-up
互聯網40 歲 迎最大變革 非英文網址明年面世 2009-10-31 明報 A22, 國際
量子電腦1 分鐘計10 億年數 2009-10-31 明報 A12, 教育
電子書閱讀器進入春秋戰國時代 2009-10-31 信報財經新聞 P25, 理財投資, 有「橋」未為輸, 江燕來
港產北佬李照興 2009-10-29 壹週刊 A068-072, 時事, 非常人語
港大推紅酒MBA 課程 教營運管理學費22 萬 2009-10-30 明報 A28, MP+生活, 謝凱瑩
在年報第49頁 2009-10-29 壹週刊 A124, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪

My college life: The legs belong to a lady and I am on top. What we are doing is up to your imagination.

Sparknotes x Youtube on 1984:


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