Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
15/21-11-2009 讀報 (Wk 47)
9:55 AM
New: (79/80/81/82/83th in 2009, 438th since 2005)
周陳文琬 /CU Press / Publication Date: 7/2007
作者:九姑娘、梁無雙 / 出版社:漫遊者文化 / 出版日期:2008年01月25日
作者:郭書瑄 / 出版社:如果出版社 / 出版日期:2007年05月03日
早阪優子/著 / 出版社:原點 / 出版日期:2009年07月21日
China Safari: On the Trail of Beijing's Expansion in Africa
Serge Michel(Author), Michel Beuret (Author), Paolo Woods (Photographer) / Publisher: Nation Books; 1 edition (June 29, 2009)
I am going to Kuraki Mai concert tonight, of course free VIP tickets. I used to love her very much during College time. She is gorgeous last night, the whole concert is fun and the fans are hyper. It is much better than Win-ds. It is my first time to go to Poly Audiotorium, although the place is small, everything is good.
I watched Being Jane, and will be watching Jane Austen Book Club. I understand more on Pride & Prejudice now.
華爾街的科技演進 2009-11-21 信報財經新聞 P14, 理財投資, 書評, 黃秉華
笑話十則 縈繞腦際 2009-11-18 信報財經新聞 P16, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
當女人站小便 2009-11-17 信報財經新聞 P46, 副刊專欄, 麗都美識, 陳頌紅
Google 新作業系統 Chrome OS開機僅7 秒 「像開電視般快」明年面世 2009-11-21 明報 B16, MP+
考評報告:考生少閱讀視野窄 引用歷史出錯安徒生發明燈膽 2009-11-19 明報 A06, 港聞, 考試報告
Cynthia also believe that Einstein invented light bulb.
Someone in my company do similar presentation to MD. Boys will know what it means, girls under 18 may need a little imagination.