Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

1/7-11-2009 讀報 (Wk 45)

9:16 AM

Finished: (48th in 2009, 274th in total since 2005)
The Concise Guide to Sounding Smart at Parties
David Matalon / Chris Woolsey / Publisher: Broadway (October 10, 2006)

受不了老闆氣的人 2009-11-07 香港經濟日報 C06, 世事, 世事——大河彼岸, 方思捷
賓大生創業 授投行面試絕密貼士 2009-11-05 香港經濟日報 A41, Executive & Market, Career, 陳韻文
一人分飾多角黃岳永 2009-11-05 壹週刊 S014-016, NEXT 2.0, iHearU
反思盧維思 2009-11-05 信報財經新聞 P41, 副刊專欄, 琉璃火  , 徐詠璇
涼茶鋪 + 中式星巴克 + 便利店 百變鴻福堂 吸金有法 2009-11-05 明報 B09, 創富理財, 薛偉傑
讀心機化記憶成影像 2009-11-03 蘋果日報 A20, 環球Pop-up
機管局禁合照惹大亂w-inds.扯火力爭親Fans 2009-11-06 蘋果日報 C20, 國際娛樂
五大值錢網站 2009-11-03 信報財經新聞 P42, 資訊數碼, 資訊數碼, 黃秉華
好到執 2009-11-05 壹週刊 A108, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪

I got free ticket to w-inds concert, although I could not recognize any songs, I think it is enjoyable. I guess over 80% of the audience is girls under 20, and they are all frenetic, it reminds me of a episode of South Park on Jonas Brothers.

I read and watched Persepolis over weekend. Girls in HK should be glad that they are not living in Iran.

This is beautiiiful: A gr-il jumps over a line marking where the former Berlin Wall used to stand.


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