Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
22/28-11-2009 讀報 (Wk 48)
8:28 AM
Finished: (50th in 2009, 276th in total since 2005)
早阪優子/著 / 出版社:原點 / 出版日期:2009年07月21日
New: (84/85th in 2009, 440th since 2005)
Mental Floss Presents Condensed Knowledge: A Deliciously Irreverent Guide to Feeling Smart Again
Will Pearson / Publisher: Harper Paperbacks (April 27, 2004)
Rules of Thumb: A Life Manual
Tom Parker (Author) / Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; illustrated edition edition (October 1, 2008)
Rules of Thumb is a great book, here is the one that I like so far:
If you are on the scene of emergency and need help, point to one specific person and say "You, call 911". This gets the individual involved in a personal way whereas saying "Someone call 911" will not.
工作假期 Work Hard Play Hard 日˙德˙愛˙新˙澳 2009-11-28 香港經濟日報 C12, 大遊行, 大遊行, getup 、笑喜、josephine
對付大腦便秘的良方妙藥 2009-11-26 信報財經新聞 P40, 副刊專欄, 麗都美識, 陳頌紅
金錢帝國莫斯科 2009-11-26 壹週刊 A148-152, 優質生活, 天地任我行
構思《新賣桔者言》 2009-11-24 信報財經新聞 P14, 時事評論, 張五常
Julie and Julia and me 2009-11-27 飲食男女 ET145, Food Lovers, 中環人食錄, 葉一南