Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

10/22-1-2009/10 讀報 (Wk 3/4)

9:48 AM

I have been working in LA for a week, and it is a fun experience. I have been to forest, beach, desert & snow places, all within 2 hours drives.

The NAMM is a great show, so many new & innovative products for musicians.

Little Kids Rock! David Wish is so cool!

New: (3nd in 2010, 446th since 2005)
Embracing the Wide Sky: A Tour Across the Horizons of the Mind
Daniel Tammet / Publisher: Free Press; Reprint edition (December 29, 2009)
Guitar (Eyewitness Companions)
Richard Chapman / Publisher: DK ADULT (April 4, 2005)
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time
Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin / Publisher: Penguin Books (January 30, 2007)
伍永樑 / 共和媒體

Finished: (4th in 2010, 290th in total since 2005)
Embracing the Wide Sky: A Tour Across the Horizons of the Mind
Daniel Tammet / Publisher: Free Press; Reprint edition (December 29, 2009)

瞬Gag看地球 2010-01-22 信報財經新聞 P12, 獨眼新聞, 韋一笑
聰穎女孩迷失記 《少女失樂園》 2010-01-19 香港經濟日報 C03, 電影, 電影, 方晴
80後CEO創業 刀仔鋸大樹 2010-01-18 香港經濟日報 A37, Executive & Market, Career, 程安怡
免費電視的強弱對壘 2010-01-16 經濟一週 P100-101, 營商
出位見工法 突擊4As主腦 送花送櫈求面試 未能打動僱主心 2010-01-15 香港經濟日報 A46, Executive & Market, 陳韻文、洪小晶、沈怡
一個人一個故事:生意應接不暇職業遛狗人年賺逾百萬 2010-01-12 蘋果日報 A23, 國際新聞, 一個人一個故事
港人在日本犯罪實錄 2010-01-21 壹週刊 A046-050, 時事, 壹號頭條
搖滾改變世界! 史上最強十大ROCK BANDS 2010-01-15 新Monday P054-058, 揮手區

Fender G-Dec 3 is so damn cool! 100% Rock, 100% Blue and 100% all you can do!


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