Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Monday, April 19, 2010

12/18-4-2010 讀報 (Wk 16)

9:23 AM

I work on Sat/Sun in China... with overdose quantity of sake...

New: (33/34th in 2010, 476/477th since 2005)
Fisher Investments on Consumer Staples
Fisher Investments (Author), Michael Cannivet (Author), Andrew Teufel (Author) / Publisher: Wiley (July 7, 2009)
Fisher Investments on Materials
Fisher Investments (Author), Andrew Teufel (Author), Brad Pyles (Author) / Publisher: Wiley (February 3, 2009)

社會創業從大學生開始 2010-04-18 亞洲週刊 P048, 特稿
美林高盛涉詐騙震動華爾街 隱瞞對冲基金幕後身分 2010-04-18 明報 A20, 國際
霸王涼茶 挑戰王老吉 2010-04-17 香港經濟日報 A11, 金融, 顏茜
小發明解大麻煩 狠踩油門變剎車 2010-04-16 文匯報 A32, 神州大地
反轉華爾街的科學家 2010-04-15 壹週刊 A142-143, 專欄, 無定向風, 楊懷康
六十天環遊世界 2010-04-17 星島日報 E02, 優遊派, 關人旅事, 韋利

「強姦斧」夾色魔子孫根外形像安全套內有鋸齒鈎 2010-04-14 蘋果日報 A24, 環球Pop-up ←Check this out, this invention is thought-provocative... How about anal?

Funny: Philippines' railroad taxi - seen in Manila:


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