Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, May 01, 2010
25/1-4/5-2010 讀報 (Wk 18)
9:34 AM
New: (37/38th in 2010, 480/481th since 2005)
Always Follow the Elephants: More Surprising Facts and Misleading Myths about Our Health and the World We Live In
Anahad O'Connor / Publisher: Times Books; 1 Original edition (September 29, 2009)
Africa Rising: How 900 Million African Consumers Offer More Than You Think
Vijay Mahajan / Publisher: Wharton School Publishing; 1 edition (September 8, 2008)
從「犀利哥」和「小說姐」談香港露宿者 2010-05-01 文匯報 A42, 文匯論壇, 龍子明 全國政協委員 香港青年交流促進聯會主席
托爾斯泰 百年不孤寂 2010-04-30 文匯報 C03, 副刊博覽, 余綺平
買樓殺人《維多利亞壹號》 2010-04-27 香港經濟日報 C02, 電影, 電影, 鄧龍傑