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Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
6/12-6-2010 讀報 (Wk 23)
9:20 AM
Finished: (37/38th in 2010, 323/324 in total since 2005)
Who's Afraid of Jane Austen?: How to Really Talk About Books You Haven't Read
Henry Hitchings (Author) / Publisher: John Murray (3 Sep 2009)
Asian Godfathers: Money and Power in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia
Joe Studwell (Author) / Publisher: Atlantic Monthly Press (October 10, 2007)
New: (52/53th in 2010, 495/496th since 2005)
作者 本館編輯組 / 出版社 商務印書館(香港)有限公司/ ISBN 9789620718854
作者:王保鍵 / 出版社:書泉/ 出版日期:2009年03月01日
富士康西北工廠大招工 產業遷移火速啟動 專家稱不可能一夜搬走 2010-06-12 文匯報 A21, 中國新聞
隔牆有耳:拜山網鬼哭神號 2010-06-12 蘋果日報 A17, 專欄專論, 隔牆有耳, 李八方
俄羅斯的創意轉型 2010-06-11 信報財經新聞 P36, 理財投資, Victor Mann
熱狗為什麼叫熱狗? 2010-06-11 明報 D09, 副刊時代, 三言堂, 司徒華
2009年「香港青年工業家獎」得主 顏志永努力工作 關心業界事務 2010-06-10 明報 B08, 財圈動感, 特約專輯
創意來自閱讀? 2010-06-09 明報 D10, 通通識-中文, 名家名著, 梁永泰
皇崗檢走私iPad 1天15宗 2010-06-08 文匯報 A10, 中國新聞
台黑幫仇殺疑涉大陸團 2010-06-08 明報 A19, 中國
虐待小弟弟的遊戲 2010-06-08 信報財經新聞 P40, 副刊.文化, 麗都美識, 陳頌紅
Funny Fake news from Wenweipo: 铃木杏里:为日本人赎罪免费和中国留学生做爱
According to ja.wikipedia (if I’m understanding it correctly), she said on her blog and twitter account that she has no education above high school and never offered sex to atone for the Japanese sins. Apparently the rumour was started by the Wen Wei Po newspaper from Hong Kong for unknown reasons. I got suspicious when I noticed no news source was reporting exactly in what “prestigious university” did she graduate.
According to ja.wikipedia (if I’m understanding it correctly), she said on her blog and twitter account that she has no education above high school and never offered sex to atone for the Japanese sins. Apparently the rumour was started by the Wen Wei Po newspaper from Hong Kong for unknown reasons. I got suspicious when I noticed no news source was reporting exactly in what “prestigious university” did she graduate.