Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, January 02, 2011
8:37 PM
New: (1/2/3th in 2010, 562/563/564th since 2005)
作者: 李奕 / 出版: 意象創意 / 出版日期: 2011/01
作 者: 白小帆出 版: 文化艺术出版社 / ISBN: 9787503947223出版日期: 2010-10
作者 梁秉鈞 / 出版社 香港教育圖書公司 / ISBN 9789882002586
Finished: (1th in 2010, 371 in total since 2005)
作者: 李奕 / 出版: 意象創意 / 出版日期: 2011/01
To be frank, the publisher really knows how to do marketing. This book is actually without worthwhile or insider content. It is just an interview of 3 prostitutes. Anyway, here is some fun facts:
1a. How much do they earn?
16 - 20 years old: HK$1600 / hour / Q (Or HK$2500 / 2 hours / 2Q)Over 20 years old / fat / is not pretty: HK$1200 / hour / Q
HK$2500 / 3P / hour / Q
Phototaking without further actions: HK$20
1b. How much you need to pay?
The hotel fee on top of the cost in 1a.
2. What if you do not like them when you see them (彈鐘)?
You need to pay HK$100 for the "delivery" (車馬費), even if you do not take any service.
3. What service do they offer?
Usually only ML, no BJ or HJ.
4. Where do they usually done the trade?
Hourly love hotel, like Victoria or Park or Romantic or Santiago or Kent. See this for the rating and exact location. Or see this video introduction by Vienna Lin.
5. How could you find them?
On forum 援交區, then MSN, then phone.
6. Who usually find them?
Uncles aged over 40s or fat or ugly or young techie like geeks.
7. What do young people think of 援交?
Nearly 40% young people (aged 12 - 20 years old) think 援交 is ok, the youngest is 11 years old.
The above info is from this book, no personal experience involved. And I do not have any intention or experience on this topic. haha.