Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
27/30-12-2007 讀報 (Week 51/52)
9:26 AM 0 comments
29 Dec went to MT training in HZ, China. This trip is very funny, especaily together with my funny colleagues. Met many new friends today.
Finished: (53/54 th in 2007, 188/189 in total since 2005)
Wall Street Meat: Jack Grubman, Frank Quattrone, Mary Meeker, Henry Blodget and me
Andy Kessler / Publisher: Escape Velocity Press (March 17, 2003) / 1 month
Sir Richard Branson / Publisher: Virgin Books (2 Mar 2006) / 3 hours
美企業出錢出力推動環保 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 B03, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 大地
威廉斯鍾情拆解新難題 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 B03, 金錢要理
英國發明綠色釀酒法 2007-12-30 文匯報 C04, 趣知廊
街頭咪瞌眼小心偷奶黨 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 G01, 夜生活
2007新聞回顧 經濟傳奇驅不散城市悲情 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 A13, 港聞
提神噴劑對抗睡魔 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 A22, 國際新聞
Delay No Mall,開錯5道門o忝。 2007-12-29 蘋果日報 E12, One fine day
起薪1.8萬新航聘超級空姐 2007-12-27 蘋果日報 A06, 港聞
笑吧!中國人江沛亨 2007-12-27 壹週刊 A056, 時事, 非常人語
夏桑菊可抑制禽流感科大成功提煉成份2010年人體測試 2007-12-29 蘋果日報 A13, 港聞
Finished: (53/54 th in 2007, 188/189 in total since 2005)
Wall Street Meat: Jack Grubman, Frank Quattrone, Mary Meeker, Henry Blodget and me
Andy Kessler / Publisher: Escape Velocity Press (March 17, 2003) / 1 month
美企業出錢出力推動環保 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 B03, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 大地
威廉斯鍾情拆解新難題 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 B03, 金錢要理
英國發明綠色釀酒法 2007-12-30 文匯報 C04, 趣知廊
街頭咪瞌眼小心偷奶黨 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 G01, 夜生活
2007新聞回顧 經濟傳奇驅不散城市悲情 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 A13, 港聞
提神噴劑對抗睡魔 2007-12-30 蘋果日報 A22, 國際新聞
Delay No Mall,開錯5道門o忝。 2007-12-29 蘋果日報 E12, One fine day
起薪1.8萬新航聘超級空姐 2007-12-27 蘋果日報 A06, 港聞
笑吧!中國人江沛亨 2007-12-27 壹週刊 A056, 時事, 非常人語
夏桑菊可抑制禽流感科大成功提煉成份2010年人體測試 2007-12-29 蘋果日報 A13, 港聞
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
16/26-12-2007 讀報 Part 2
9:14 AM 0 comments
Finished: (51/52 th in 2007, 187 in total since 2005)
武田篤典 / 格林文化 / 2006年12月07日
The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick)
Seth Godin / Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (May 10, 2007)
政壇名人頻說:對不起! 2007-12-26 星島日報 A13, 每日雜誌
10大財經新聞 次按風暴困擾07年 2007-12-26 蘋果日報 B01, 財經要聞, 財經頭條
博彩管理學士 百分百就業 2007-12-26 東方日報 F02, 副刊
兼職代寫總結 閩大學生月入近萬 2007-12-26 文匯報 D02, 神州大地
《一公升眼淚》升級悲情版日母勒死患絕症兒子 2007-12-26 蘋果日報 A19, 國際新聞
院子裏的花草樹木 2007-11-09 明報 D07, 時代, 三言堂, 司徒華
槍決大象 2007-10-19 明報 D07, 副刊時代, 三言堂, 司徒華
走過雪地 2007-08-14 明報 D07, 時代, 三言堂, 司徒華
坐廁衛生墊自動更換器 2007-12-20 明報 B08, 經濟, 行銷新意思
港參與者未適應Barcamp模式 2007-12-19 信報財經新聞 P39, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
棟篤笑○七版學習篇 2007-12-20 信報財經新聞 P35, 經濟.企管, 傳承與壯大, 何華真
劉華收樓走投無路杜汶澤︰我得罪人多 2007-12-20 壹週刊 B042, 娛樂名人, 娛頭
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
16/25-12-2007 讀報 (Week 50)
1:00 PM 0 comments
07娛圈回顧電視劇風雲 打低至Hit《溏心風暴》《師奶兵團》收視稱霸 2007-12-25 蘋果日報 C04, 娛樂名人
彭浩翔的異想世界 《破事兒》 2007-12-25 香港經濟日報 C20, 人物, 陳淑賢
重臨華爾街 金融業裁員潮 2007-12-24 投資理財周刊 044, 美國視窗, 鄭學城 駐美國記者
閱讀白手興家 2007-12-24 香港經濟日報 C05, 閱讀, 程展緯 特約作者
「數佬」的網上社群啟示錄 2007-12-24 信報財經新聞 P35, 副刊, 面對面, 鄭天儀
新愚公移山─十個社會企業創業者的故事 2007-12-22 信報財經新聞 P10, 理財投資, 謝家駒
防滑飛機餐盤 接單數十萬隻 輕4成易清潔 航空公司成本減 2007-12-22 香港經濟日報 A12, 工貿
「不消費者」 2007-12-22 香港經濟日報 C12, 寫意, 天地良心, 李純恩
金手指:聖誕索K經濟學 2007-12-21 蘋果日報 B17, 財經要聞, 金手指, 孫柏文
港產小發明商品化 海外贏單 串燒爐受捧 能源冰袋冀年銷400萬個 2007-12-20 香港經濟日報 A20, 工貿, 黃靖玢
矽谷的幫派文化 2007-12-18 信報財經新聞 P40, 資訊科技, 黃秉華
大學校園舊詞新解【特困生】一上課就想睡 2007-12-17 蘋果日報 A26, 網上中國
網上百科knol vs 搜尋器Wikia Google、維基互攻城池 2007-12-16 蘋果日報 A23, 環球焦點
法作家醉話出書20年賣130萬本 2007-12-25 蘋果日報 A19, 國際新聞
開卷刺激 2007-12-24 信報財經新聞 P34, 另類, 文字力量, 健 吾
雪糕車告別九龍7位伯伯收檔年底交還牌照 2007-12-21 蘋果日報 A14, 港聞
Cool toys:
New earpiece design puts a microphone inside your head Dec 18th 2007, Engadget
神奇耳塞能傳遞聲音 2007-12-21 蘋果日報 A26, 國際新聞
Monday, December 24, 2007
Celebrating the 23rd birthday to me!
10:57 AM 3 comments
Finished: (50th in 2007, 185 in total since 2005)
Stumbling on Happiness
Daniel Gilbert / Publisher: Knopf; 1 edition (May 2, 2006) / 1.5 weeks
New: (80th in 2007, 288 since 2005)
Private Label Strategy: How to Meet the Store Brand Challenge
Nirmalya Kumar (Author), Jan-benedict E. m. Steenkamp / Publisher: Harvard Business School Press; 1 edition (February 13, 2007)
A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder--How Crammed Closets, Cluttered Offices, and On-the-Fly Planning Make the World a Better Place
Eric Abrahamson (Author), David H. Freedman (Author) / Publisher: Little, Brown and Company (January 3, 2007)
武田篤典 / 格林文化 / 2006年12月07日 ←Special thanks to Hebe, I promise I will be a 型男 after Christmas, please look forward to it! Ha
After work today, I went with Cynthia to watch ballat show NutsCracker. This ballat is so inspirational to me, and solve many of my problems. In the future, when insominia comes to me, I know I should find some Tchaikovsky's.
Then I meet with my dearest u-mate at Knutsford Terrace, drink til 2am, count down to Christmas, and count up to my birthday. One thing I am very curious, why on my birthday, "Nuts" is all around me? Funny!
Pickup 3 new girls today, all are Heidi's friends, thanks you!
The taxi and mini bus fare is outrageous....
Happy Birthday!!
Tim, Happy Birthday!
btw, I've browse through that 型男book, it is really funny!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
9:27 PM 4 comments
Will have update after 24 Dec...
Take care
早日康復! tim tim,
Merry X'mas!
Thanks you guys, I think I have been eating too much recently... That's why... haha
Merry Christmas too!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
10/15-12-2007 讀報 (Week 49)
10:52 AM 7 comments
Finished: (49th in 2007, 184 in total since 2005)
How To Get Rich
Felix Dennis / Publisher: Ebury Press; New Ed edition (August 28, 2007) / 2 weeks
Best quote in the book:
Analyse your need. Desire is insufficient. Compulsion is mandatory.
Only 3 more books to go to meet my reading target this year! Could I read beyond my quota? Let's see...
New: (77th in 2007, 285 since 2005)
Stumbling on Happiness
Daniel Gilbert / Publisher: Knopf; 1 edition (May 2, 2006)
Don't know why I always dreamt of the plot in 發達秘笈 by 黃百鳴 recently, wired!
高盛三雄沽次債 全年料賺857億 2007-12-15 香港經濟日報 A12, 國際金融, 許懿安
非常熱戲︰《魔間傳奇》牽動觀眾情緒 2007-12-15 蘋果日報 C30, 娛樂名人, 非常熱戲, 阿童牧
記憶纖維布料 舊衣變新衫 2007-12-15 香港經濟日報 A22, 教育, 林彥邦
對撼詹瑞文黃子華開騷志雲明撐 2007-12-14 忽然一周 SW082, 娛樂, 娛樂頂點
嶄新故事式拍攝手法 2007-12-12 蘋果日報 G01, 夜生活, 老鹹書
小男人二十年 2007-12-13 明報 D07, 時代, 極度大男人, 阿寬
《最後的大亨》揭金融黑幕 入選《經濟學人》年度好書 2007-12-10 香港經濟日報 A20, 國際動態, 許懿安、黎卓賢
I also remember what 發達秘笈 tell... a funny movie...
I just remember a little of it...The movie boardcast once when I was very small
I have discovered Orangedays just recently, I think it is very useful and ingenious.
BTW, you are the first one I know to have so consistant interest in reading...52 books a year!
I just read a couples, but include junks like harry porter's...
小男人二十年 <<--- what is the point of posting this ??
i cannot found any meaning inside? if there is any, please tell me.
Posting is my personal interest, it could have no meaning at all, please accept my apology on that.
hi! near chirstmas and new year, has some words give to you.
在閱讀的同時, 不忘思考喔~ ;)
To Ryan,
Yes, of course I will.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
9-12-2007 讀報 (Week 48)
10:33 AM 0 comments
矽谷手記:捐廉價電腦不如送翻新機 2007-12-09 蘋果日報 B04, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 大地
維珍老闆任伴郎六百名富豪出席 2007-12-09 成報 A09, 國際新聞
蟻力神騙局瀋陽蟻民風暴 2007-12-09 亞洲週刊 P28, 特稿, 陳治華
Saturday, December 08, 2007
2/8-12-2007 讀報 (Week 48)
9:36 AM 0 comments
It's seems that there are little problems with
New: (756th in 2007, 284 since 2005)
梁振威 / 中華書局(香港)有限公司 / 2007/11/24
邱德根打破慣性靠創新 2007-12-08 明報 C06, 娛樂, 魏幼芳
中大生陳嘉鍵木糠製塑膠獲獎 香港再誕星之子 2007-12-06 蘋果日報 A06, 要聞
高跟鞋大王鄧耀$230億發達傳奇 2007-12-06 壹週刊 A054, 時事, 封面故事
唯一的一次遲到 2007-12-06 明報 D07, 時代, 三言堂, 司徒華
大行嗌Sell啼笑皆非 2007-12-04 信報財經新聞 P17, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 曹仁超
矽谷的馬基維利 2007-12-04 信報財經新聞 P40, 資訊科技, 黃秉華
網上訂高跟鞋 省撞款煩惱 2007-12-03 香港經濟日報 A23, 國際動態, 財經故事, 高碧斯
日本不只流行 2007-12-02 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
吃點心,惦初戀 2007-12-08 信報財經新聞 P28, 經濟.企管, 創作萬花筒, 嚴啟明
草根不出巨賈扮窮彰顯成功 2007-12-06 信報財經新聞 P20, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
世界經濟要換引擎 2007-12-03 信報財經新聞 P38, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
不做出口不辦廠不賺辛苦錢 2007-12-03 信報財經新聞 P14, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
I think this poster is very funny:

Monday, December 03, 2007
Read log
10:52 PM 0 comments
New: (75th in 2007, 283 since 2005)
Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
Martin Seligman / Publisher: Free Press (March 1, 1998)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
25/1-11/12-2007 讀報 (Week 47)
10:08 AM 0 comments
Don't try to work late in the office, it will become a habit...
A new book titled The 4-Hour Workweek is super attractive to me, who work at least 60 hrs per week (if not more).
The Religion War
Scott Adams / Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (September 1, 2004)
God's Debris: A Thought Experiment
Scott Adams / Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (September 1, 2004)
I have read God's Debris a few years ago, and it is very inspirational! I just haven't noticed that Scott has published a sequel, The Religion War.
Finished: (48th in 2007, 183 in total since 2005)
Business Cycles: History, Theory and Investment Reality
Lars Tvede / Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (June 13, 2006) / 7 days
李嘉誠入股Facebook 2007-12-01 蘋果日報 B03, 財經要聞
國泰加薪4至5% 10年最高 甘泉明年亦調薪 請300人 2007-12-01 香港經濟日報 A03, 要聞, 陳韻文
券商E*Trade財困 CEO下台 2007-11-30 香港經濟日報 A18, 國際金融
24歲o靚仔土炮facebook掘金記 2007-11-29 壹週刊 A118, 財經, 醒字派
讀過和沒讀過 2007-11-28 信報財經新聞 P54, 副刊專欄, 上海通信, 柳葉
報攤奇書 閱讀報告 2007-11-27 東Touch A187, Culture club, 加代
對沖金手指賭美商用物業爆煲 2007-11-30 信報財經新聞 P45, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
從感性角度看十年廣告生涯 2007-11-28 信報財經新聞 P39, 經濟.企管, 市場探熱針, Eddie Hui
Happy Link!
12:37 AM 0 comments
100 Notable Books of 2007 3-12-2007, NYT