Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
24/29-11-2008 讀報 (Week 48)
10:29 AM 0 comments
國泰推自願無薪假計劃 2008-11-29 蘋果日報 A06, 港聞
金澤文子AV女優博物館 2008-11-29 蘋果日報 G02, 夜生活
窺探成功之道 發迹史有價 家族企業 外國學院爭立傳 2008-11-29 香港經濟日報 A12, 新聞特寫, 劉德欣
富甲一方翱翔萬里 三億買起私人飛機 2008-11-29 信報財經新聞 P28, 理性消費, 陳以圓
天外來客保地球 奇洛李維斯《地球停轉日》 2008-11-28 香港經濟日報 C02, 電影, 電影, 鄧龍傑
強迫停薪留職限制加班 富士康十招變相裁員 2008-11-26 蘋果日報 A25, 兩岸要聞
曾麗芬專訪 買好片與大師結緣 獨立發行電影10年 2008-11-26 香港經濟日報 C01, 人物, 人物, 陳淑賢 2517
十二得獎企業家 2008-11-24 信報財經新聞 P36, 安永企業家獎中國2008特刊
遼寧養蟻非法集資 主犯處死 2008-11-29 香港經濟日報 A28, 中國要聞
內地封殺GN'R唱片 - Chinese Democracy 2008-11-24 蘋果日報 A06, 港聞
才子度橋:洗剪冲踎馬桶 2008-11-28 蘋果日報 E02, 笑看瘋雲
出身決定政策? 2008-11-27 信報財經新聞 P36, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
Sunday, November 23, 2008
17/23-11-2008 讀報 (Week 47)
10:25 AM 0 comments
New: (61th in 2008, 349th since 2005)
Pocket World in Figures 2009
Publisher: Profile Books Ltd (25 Sep 2008) / An upate version of my 2007 copy
Finished: (38th in 2008, 227th in total since 2005)
The Worst-Case Scenario Almanac: Politics
David Borgenicht / Turk Regan / Publisher: Chronicle (Jun 19 2008)
大學畢業的順嫂 2008-11-22 信報財經新聞 P32, 特稿, 蘭開夏道, 王迪詩
明年大學畢業生達610萬 2008-11-21 信報財經新聞 P09, 兩岸消息
鐳射逆市擴4店 增聘員工 2008-11-17 文匯報 A02, 重要新聞
苦澀手指水幫BB 戒吮手指 2008-11-20 明報 B05, 創富理財 行銷攻略, 行銷新意思
中國製電單車 美熱賣 2008-11-18 香港經濟日報 A37, 工貿
逆市之星 2008-11-20 信報財經新聞 P32, 經濟.企管, 管理人管理事, 李漢祥
股市崩盤鳳姐生意慘淡「人人輸身家哪來錢買我? 」 2008-11-23 明報 A03, 港聞, 浮世繪海嘯系列一, 覃純健
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I can teach you to be a millionare
9:24 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
10-16-11-2008 讀報 (Week 46)
10:14 AM 0 comments
New: (60th in 2008, 348th since 2005)
The Worst-Case Scenario Almanac: Politics
David Borgenicht / Turk Regan / Publisher: Chronicle (Jun 19 2008)
Watched Die Welle / The Wave. Don't take idea so seriously.
Family Motto:
公司倒閉被迫求職 深水埗招聘逾千空缺多人爭 港企老闆應徵保安糊口 2008-11-16 文匯報 A15, 香港新聞
矽谷工程師 金融海嘯首批犧牲品美華裔漢被裁 槍殺3同事報復 2008-11-16 文匯報 A10, 國際新聞
高科技廁所 妓女道友樂園西雅圖拍賣公廁 2008-11-16 文匯報 B06, 趣知廊
人工荷爾蒙洗髮水白髮變黑 2008-11-15 蘋果日報 A22, 環球Pop-up
美大學加價 海外家長荷包傷 海嘯拖累高等學府 財政受困 2008-11-14 香港經濟日報 A16, 新聞特寫, 劉德欣
KFC賣垃圾雞 2008-11-13 壹週刊 A066-068, 時事, 新聞耳目
大學生炒股 蝕數十萬瀕破產 專家:影響前程 未到最後勿申請 2008-11-13 香港經濟日報 A18, 社會要聞, 城市追蹤, 蔡瑤
日本境港市 鬼太郎 救經濟 2008-11-12 香港經濟日報 C07, 旅遊, 旅遊, 劉健雄
我做甘比第二! 2008-11-11 蘋果日報 E02, 笑看瘋雲
「丐幫幫主」爆「買童」行乞內幕 2008-11-15 文匯報 A09, 中國新聞
火鍋快餐式大比併 2008-11-14 忽然一周 SW138, 潮流手冊, Leisure
Funny: Hillary Nutcracker and Corkscrew Bill!


Saturday, November 08, 2008
27/9-10/11-2008 讀報 (Week 45)
10:43 AM 1 comments
99. I have an idea to make $$ in recession:
To create a book with whole bunch of ideas that teach people how to survive and make $$ in recession.
Those ideas may not be pratical, for those wired/funny one, at least it could provide some sort of cheers. Some ideas like below may be more serious & real businesses:
Cash is King 血汗錢藏夾萬 金融恐慌 銷量大升2成 2008-10-28 香港經濟日報 A14, 新聞特寫, 劉德欣
網上賣日本奶粉毒奶事件帶旺生意 2008-11-06 明報 B08, 創富理財.行銷攻略, 薛偉傑
Big picture:
I think it is quite provokating, as average HK people only with limited business/$$ making horizon, and a memory of 10 year of bull market, they only have their revenue stream from either salary, stock or real estate.
Actually bear market could also have opportunties. One of the conventional economic methods in reversing bear trend would be gov investiment/public spending in infrastructure to improve productivity. Companies in this area would be benefit and against a falling knife.
Some of other areas includes:
1. Cheap FMCG/private label market
2. Education, to improve credential or kill time for jobless
3. Medicial, especially psychiatic
4. Electricity, water, communication sector
5. Cheap, may be indoor entaintainment
6. Indulge & kill time leisure, like drinking
7. Maintenence services, people tends not to buy new cars/electricial appliance/bicycle in recession, thus in need of repair
Opportunties are like hidden gems, and this websit/book is a roadmap to uncover them.
Ideas are collected from all sources (see below), with an intention to create a book and sell.
1. Mass colloration/brain storming through internet (see cambrian house)
2. In-house research on news/magazines/blogs etc (like above news)
3. Local interview with booming industries
4. Generate by the author, that is me
The detailed business model could be like and this book. Or Global ideas bank & this book.
Ideas / publishing may not be only confined locally. As the finanical crisis is world wide, the scope could be as that large.
Market Justification:
1. Layoff people need $$, at which the number is growing.
2. Many traditional industry is at brink of falling, like financial, heavy industry etc, people are all finding ways to survive at all cost
3. Economists have concenses that the down turn would be lasting at least until start of 2010. This book could at least sell for that period. Actually many believe this would be an L shape down turn
Haha... I am back to the business plan writting mode... Thanks to Done Deal!!!
Although ideas may not be actualized, I like doing this kind of research & thinking processes, it could keep my mind up and running!
星展炒港250員工 滙豐渣打亦不排除裁員 2008-11-08 蘋果日報 A04, 要聞
大裁員名單流傳京滬白領自危 2008-11-08 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 投資網聞
濠賭場紛裁員 酒店入住跌15% 擬聖誕新年減價1成 冀吸港澳客 2008-11-08 香港經濟日報 A14, 社會要聞, 吳婉茵
風險投資教父講海嘯十誡 2008-11-04 信報財經新聞 P34, 資訊科技, 盧金泉
年薪1.8億 BBC50高層捱轟 2008-11-03 文匯報 A12, 國際新聞
小室哲哉騙財被捕 隨時坐10年監 2008-11-05 蘋果日報 C02, 娛樂名人
50大發明精采演繹了08年 2008-11-01 蘋果日報 A24, 環球焦點
死因:夾死 2008-10-30 壹週刊 A102-103, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪
看透的人都死了 2008-10-27 信報財經新聞 P36, 另類.商情, 文字力量, 健吾
堅信金融海嘯隱藏無限商機 15歲神童開公司 2008-10-20 蘋果日報 A01, 要聞, 頭條
巨富韋小寶204億搶中時「旺旺」蔡衍明誓做娛樂大亨 2008-11-09 星島日報 Z02, 熱爆封面
Mr. Director asked me yesterday why my sub-ordinates leave so on time every day. This is not a good sign...
Guys please remember to unload your equity at HSI 14000 or higher. Believe cash is king.
Taipei trip
10:10 AM 0 comments
I have gone to Taipei during 1 Nov(Sat) - 4 Nov(Tue) with Cynthia, her colleague Cherry & Cherry's husband Alex. I find this trip is funny.
I have been there before 2 times, last time is 6 years ago, after secondary school graduation. I could still remember exactly the street & route.
Backward is my impression to Taipei. I think this city is doomed, at least around the tourist spots, nearly every street has some stores closed down.
My exchange rate is around 4.01, so this trip is quite cheap. I have visit 2 very good japanese restaurant there, cost only HK$150 each, which I think may cost more than HK$250 if they are in HK.
I have tried Taipei love hotel, the facility is minimal, but the rent is half other hotel, good or bad. In the meantime, I tried EVA airline business class. Sucks, much expensive but only with larger seats. Don't think larger is large.
New: (57/58/59th in 2008, 347th since 2005)
作者:黃文叡 / 出版社:藝術家 / 出版日期:2008年07月28日
Done Deals: Venture Capitalists Tell Their Stories
Udayan Gupta / Publisher: Harvard Business School Press (September 2000)
How I Became a Quant: Insights from 25 of Wall Street's Elite
Barry Schachter, Richard R. Lindsey / Publisher: Wiley (July 9, 2007)
I know I am a little out bit to read on deal making, quants storys & fine/decorative art market. I have been wanting to buy these for quite a long time, but I could not find in HK, thus I bought it during trip to Taipei.
The best thing in Taipei is translated books, fast & good & affordable, but it is bad that other than translated books, they have limited choice of original English version books.
Thanks for my love Cynthia organizing this trip. You are the best!