Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What you guys reading?

2:14 PM 4 comments

Anything interesting?


I am reading 賣淫的倫理學探究 by 甯應斌. Joey.
I AM AMERICA (AND SO CAN YOU)! by Steve Colbert
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School is quite fun.

Transformer Chen
Hi Guys,

I have bought "101 things" & "I am America" la

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22/28-6-2009 讀報 (Wk 26)

12:05 PM 1 comments

New : (42/43th in 2009, 399th since 2005)
Finished: (24th in 2009, 252th in total since 2005)
其實我們沒那麼了解 ~ ~ 美國:在美國念書、過美國生活、當美國人之前必讀
作者:杉田米行 / 出版日期:2009年05月25日

港資廠爆漢維兩族衝突女工被姦觸發300人群毆2死118傷 2009-06-27 蘋果日報 A20, 兩岸要聞
山寨熱潮捲電影業 「巨星」雲集 2009-06-27 香港經濟日報 A14, 中國專題, 潘攀
食K仔價廉方便成首選 醫生:損記憶力致尿頻 2009-06-26 明報 A09, 港聞
星級應召集團荷李活女星陪過夜 2009-06-26 明報 A22, 國際
《香港亂噏》有發展空間 2009-06-26 明報 C08, 娛樂, 影視監察力, 郭繾澂
業主遇租霸 有苦自己知 2009-06-26 香港經濟日報 A14, 新聞特寫
舊樓翻新出租 磚頭變黃金? 日漫授投資秘技 專家:實行風險高 2009-06-26 香港經濟日報 A14, 新聞特寫 550
會計女強人的悠長假期 2009-06-26 信報財經新聞 P35, 理財投資, 年青有計, 沈繼思
李添勝專訪 40年刀光劍影 2009-06-24 香港經濟日報 C01, 人物, 人物, 鄺素媚
天使投資者的告白 2009-06-22 投資理財周刊 030,031, 財富管理, 理財專題1, 陳慕恩、郭子聰、陸柏勤
26歲妹賣鞋月賺$90萬 2009-06-25 壹週刊 A100-102, 財經, 壹盤生意
太陽能機環球飛不停 2009-06-28 新報 A12, 國際, 世界視窗

Banksy is a genius. Balloon-Girl in Palestine (2005)

This was created at the time of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestine (started in 1993 going to this very day, many Palestinian people have not accepted many aspects of agreements made with Israel). The image was created make people stop and think about the children in this war between the two.

This artifact is on a 425-mile-long West Bank barrier, separating Israel from the Palestinian territories. The context of the image is seen as a hopeless end that the only was to get over this wall is to hold balloons and believe (fly) which isn't reality. The visual artifact is intended for a mass audience which is nationally, although it's on the wall which separates the land this gives people the hope to believe. Via here.

Another genius:

Via bigarnex


"會計女強人的悠長假期"呢篇野好正,日日快睇信報, 竟然錯過了這篇,多謝你post番o係你個blog度!
btw, 咁正o既文, 借來一用~ thanks!


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Wednesday, June 24, 2009


1:18 PM 0 comments

1. James Joyce - author of Ulysses:

When a young fan approached Joyce and asked if he could “kiss the hand that wrote Ulysses,” Joyce replied, “No. It did lots of other things, too.”

2. Not Quite What I Was Planning, Revised and Expanded Deluxe Edition: Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure / Larry Smith / Publisher: Harper (October 21, 2008)

Look at how people use 6 words to descript their life:

Found true love, married someone else. ← This one is especial touching.
Married for money. Divorced for love.
Sometimes I wish we were together.
Write about Sex, Learn about Love.
Fourteen years old, story still untold.
This is a pretty cool idea.
The psychic said I'd be richer.
I still think about you, everyday.

Just six words can't define me.

...and more here.


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Saturday, June 20, 2009

15/21-6-2009 讀報 (Wk 25)

8:33 PM 0 comments

I think the Panjiva ways in finding suppliers of world brands is brillant.

Watched Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, super hilarious.

Finished: (23th in 2009, 251th in total since 2005)
"Socialism Is Great!": A Worker's Memoir of the New China
Lijia Zhang / Publisher: Atlas & Co. (April 14, 2008) ← Out of my expectation, it is a salty story.
Mental Floss: Cocktail Party Cheat Sheets
Editors Of Mental Floss / Publisher: Collins (May 30, 2006)

New: (42/43th in 2009, 399th since 2005)
Beowulf on the Beach: What to Love and What to Skip in Literature's 50 Greatest hits
Jack Murnighan / Publisher: Three Rivers Press (May 19, 2009)
作者:鶴岡聰 / 出版日期:2007年02月26日

香港亂噏 2009-06-19 信報財經新聞 P41, 副刊專欄, 霎吓霎吓, 黃珍妮
遠赴紐約上書店環遊世界 2009-06-18 文匯報 C04, 副刊旅遊文化
東莞賺錢製衣廠工人成歹徒目標17歲女遭輪姦鐵棍插下體 2009-06-18 蘋果日報 A19, 兩岸要聞
Kindle「爆冷」打破百萬銷量 2009-06-16 信報財經新聞 P39, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
最後一站,翠華 2009-06-20 信報財經新聞 P32, 特稿, 蘭開夏道, 王迪詩
Susan Wong專訪 由核數師變Hi-Fi天后 2009-06-18 香港經濟日報 C03, 人物, 人物, 清研
加州酒莊推廣員月薪8萬 港人可申請 未來招聘講求4個「A」 全方位攻陷HR 2009-06-17 香港經濟日報 A31, Executive & Market, 洪小晶
廁紙含菌 醫生指女性易發炎 5款廁紙菌超標 涉2超市品牌公廁供應商 2009-06-16 香港經濟日報 A18, 社會要聞, 林彥邦、伍瑋瑋
放過霍大班 2009-06-18 壹週刊 A092, 財經, 第壹流, 蔡東豪 ←Truely agree as an ex-trader...
用錢買奴隸 2009-06-19 am730 M17, 新聞, 人在中環, CK

Funny: 爆粗PTH : 想节能 轮胎能

Life Class: Today’s Nude - A show on BBC Channel 4 teaching you how to draw nudity.


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Friday, June 12, 2009


10:29 PM 2 comments

Quite excited. Don't know if I could encounter any pretty sisters... Haha

Here are some funny viedo... Do not try to figure me out, I am not one of them.

On 14 Jun, 1:30am I arrived home. Being a best man is so much fun. All the bridesmaids are pretty, friendly and gentle to us. Good to meet you, Peng, Lesley & Eva low b. I have devoted my precious first time to you girls. It is a good good show! Could we still keep contact?

Bride & bridesmaids cried in some touching moment, I guess I should learn how to handle such situation if I want to be a man.

I asked Cynthia if she will cry in wedding, she replied she will even dreamt of it. May be I am so Spock that I do not understand the feeling, or I am not mature enough to understand the importance & implication??

Wish Rambo & Vicky a happy couple all the time.

廠佬 2009-06-09 信報財經新聞 P34, 理財投資, 龔耀輝
梅迪奇效應 2009-06-08 明報 D09, 副刊時代, 蒼蠅一聲笑, 林超榮
德黑蘭六月驚雷 內賈德決一死戰2009-06-12 東方日報 A36, 國際, 世界視線
金融以外 可以活得很精采! 2009-06-08 信報財經新聞 P31, 理財投資, 金融圈內, 錢志健
買龍定買象? 2009-06-12 信報財經新聞 P17, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 畢老林
蔡指強夠啜核 2009-06-12 香港經濟日報 C10, 專欄, 專欄——關人馬事, 活力先生
日70%未婚男士無女友 2009-06-08 新報 E04, 放眼世界, 世界視窗
星巴克懷舊冰室 地道食品作招徠 2009-06-11 香港經濟日報 A28, 商業˙工貿

香港亂嗡 is super funny.


According to my experience, it is highly impossible.

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Saturday, June 06, 2009

1/6-6-2009 讀報 (Week 23)

9:16 AM 1 comments

快樂王子創作精選 藍奕邦
Hardwood 方欣浩

Orangedays has been around for 4 years, there is only 3 people email me via

1. 方欣浩

New: (41th in 2009, 397th since 2005)
作者:芝崎美幸 / 出版社:如果出版社 / 出版日期:2007年06月13日

Microsoft has launch a new search engine Bing. I have tried the photo search function and I think it is pretty good.

香港住宅投資要懂ABCDE 2009-06-06 信報財經新聞 P29, 特稿, 鍾維傑
茅招 2009-06-05 信報財經新聞 P34, 理財投資, 龔耀輝
拍裸照逼裸企踢爆收數佬賤招 2009-06-04 壹週刊 A070-074, 時事, 壹號專題
歐超市垂青 平價電波鐘熱賣 2009-06-03 香港經濟日報 A28, 商業˙工貿, 徐丹鳳
的士頂智能顯示屏熱天自動播雪糕廣告 2009-06-03 明報 B14, MP+生活, 彭碧珊
紅牛含可卡因 酒吧士多照賣 港昨測試無問題 品牌促港府認清錯誤 2009-06-03 香港經濟日報 A17, 社會要聞, 冼韻姬、伍瑋瑋
中環維基系列.稱呼篇 2009-06-04 信報財經新聞 P35, 生活智慧, 一言堂, Sophie
網選爆笑英語冠軍 「好好學習 天天向上」 2009-06-03 文匯報 A24, 神州大地
從跳傘參悟止蝕 2009-06-01 信報財經新聞 P27, 理財投資, 金融圈內, 錢志健

Funny: Let see when the name of SB will be ousted from MS.

Funny 2: A beautiful stop motion video made on the floor. Remember to see the made of in the end.

Funny 3:

A good selection of cover picture. Here is the story behind this classic:

On the building site of the Imboulou dam, Republic of the Congo, 200km north of the capital Brazzaville. In the foreground a Chinese worker of the China National Mechanical & Equipment corporation (CMEC) company, which in 2001 has obtained the contract. With its 120 megawatts, this power plant will double the national production of electricity and will give light to a large part of Congo. 400 Chinese technicians and qualified workers supervise a Congolese workforce of a thousand man, paid 3 dollars a day, that disappear as fast as they can find a better paid job. This, in part, explains the dam construction delay that has to be absolutely terminated by 2009, the year of the next Congo elections. CMEC requires the Chinese workers to wear yellow and the Congolese blue hardhats. Via china wild west


i did not know that email! Is this email permenet? Why not gmail, i bet you have one.

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