Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
30-11-2006 讀報
9:09 PM 0 comments
科網新工種:全職博客 2006-11-30, 信報財經新聞, P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
Stefan Sagmeister 2006-11-30, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
港產科技向世界出發 2006-11-30, 壹週刊, A104, 財經, 大錢題
Eight skills that make you a good leader - BOOK REVIEW KNOW-HOW: Forget charisma, says management guru Ram Charan - some basic abilities separate the winners from the losers 29 November 2006, Financial Times, London Ed2, Page 14, BUSINESS LIFE, STEFAN STERN
An idea a day:
20. Follow up to 19, if the blog for patients exist, it can be a centralized database to get personal sickness/injection history for both personal and doctors' use.
It is very common to be the patient of serveral clinics/hospitals, the doctors are from different companies and don't know each others, so the current medication, sickness history, allergic reaction, injection history are unknown to those doctors, and as the patients are not professionals, it is normal for them not able to recall every jargans that is applicable on the health of themselves.
If we could have a blog that represent a medical history of a patients, and everytime patient see doctor, the doctors (may be serveral different doctors) can access the blog and update the sick history, the kind of medicine doctors give to patients, unnormal reactions etc. This can be a record for later reference.
The sick history of a patient can only be accessible only with the permittion of the patient, thus this can keep a privacy to personal particulars.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
29-11-2006 讀報
9:15 PM 8 comments
陳士駿的創業故事 2006-11-29, 蘋果日報, B15, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
一條廣告片背後的集體智慧 2006-11-29, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, 管理書, 梁穎勤
An idea a day:
19. Setup a online database for patients to submit recent medication/ sickness/ ailments/ phycological conditions to a clinic server, for clinic/family doctors to keep track on their patients.
The database interface can be like a blog of 減肥日記, taking down what you recently eaten, how many water/ softdrink/ beers/ wines/ cigarette have you consumed everyday, praticarly note down the small ailments/ symtoms that may be the indication of big disease. Prevent is better than cure!
I strongly feel that someday your name will appear on the pages you read.
Super thx for your praise!
Although I have plenty of ideas, I will never appear on the media, as those are the successful case with EXECUTION.
In my case, I do not have much support and companion, which is wild enough to establish those funny and wired ideas.
I failed a few projects, the main problem may not come from the idea (As they are not even started yet), the problems come from the lack of support and initative from my project companions. Even the projects just need time and effort, dont need "ANY" $$, and if success, can be phenominal, SHIT just happens.
Although life like shit, I will never be discouraged, so I publish all the ideas and hope one day, someone deem the idea ok will execute them!
Idea is only a pure daydream without execution.
Thanks for you guys who read this long and boring grudge.
Don't be discouraged by those morons!
I truely think that your ideas are brillant, although some are insane, they are truely inspirational!
I just start reading your blog a few weeks ago, but I am now addicted to it!!!
Work hard!
You are brillant, Orangedays is already a accomplishment!
Add oil!
See, you've got some many fans!
It's just a matter of time.
See, you've got so many fans!
It's just a matter of time.
haha, thx for you guys!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
28-11-2006 讀報
8:36 PM 0 comments
廣播道地王呎價 2006-11-28, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 關人馬事, 活力先生
「恐嚇式」賺錢神話 2006-11-28, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
$750教你開辦兒童教育中心 2006-11-28, 東方日報, E06, 副刊
The Latest on Technology Deals From Dow Jones VentureWire 27 November 2006, The Wall Street Journal, R8 ←都好耐無睇wsj同ft啦!
創未來專才發展中心 ←Click入這裏你會知道創業不會使你發達,教人創業才是發達之路‧工聯會班,中環價錢!
An idea a day:
18. Sell BT seeds on ebay for music/av that is in great demand but difficult to find.
You may not let others to download the file from your computer, you only know the address of the seeds, and provide a link for others to download from anyomous computers, so, in theory, you are not infringing the privacy.
As music/av lover may not want to waste time for scouting if he can pay a little and get a working seed, this is a profitable business having ZERO overhead/expense.
Monday, November 27, 2006
27-11-2006 讀報
8:51 PM 0 comments
中情局求才若渴 2006-11-27, 東方日報, A34, 國際, 世界視線, 李集慧
教精姊妹點讀名牌 2006-11-27, 蘋果日報, A10, 消費
香港中產階級的撕裂 2006-11-27, 明報, A32, 論壇, 思潮, 呂大樂
An idea a day:
17. Develop a small remote control speaker, which help you to find things that you are always missing, eg. TV control, socks, ties, keys...
The technology can be somethings like 鐵將軍, but use bluetooth instead of infra red. You can press the remote, then the device will produce a noise to indicate the location of the device.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
26-11-2006 讀報
9:47 AM 0 comments
微軟Zune挑戰蘋果iPod 2006-11-26, 蘋果日報, B07, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記
佈置書房的學問 (書房之二)2006-11-26, 蘋果日報, E10, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
窺探靈魂 (書房之一) 2006-11-19, 蘋果日報, E08, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
英皇證券招聘日 200人排隊, 2006-11-26, 成報, A06, 港聞
沒穿金戴銀的明星 2006-11-26, 明報, A12, 十年‧香港人, 盧曼思
淫賤個室Video翻生! 2006-11-26, 蘋果日報, G01, 夜生活, 風俗一番街
如何在變化急速的社會裏 求生出線?2006-11-26, 明報, P22, 讀書, 企管思潮
An idea a day:
16. Harness energy from people using gym bicycle/rowing mill, to feed back electricity for other use.
Just walk pass any window of popular gym, you can see tons of people playing these kind of tensile sport, why not transform those mechical energy to electricial energy, as a way to save electiricity fee?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
25-11-2006 讀報
11:51 AM 0 comments
英國政府早知九七 2006-11-25, 蘋果日報, E13, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
今非昔比 2006-11-25, 信報財經新聞, P24, 文化.書評, 中通外直, 詹德隆
周壽臣後人著書述說一生「香港大老」偉績流傳後世 2006-11-25, 星島日報, A27, 每日雜誌, 城市脈搏
求職者資料被用作騙財 2006-11-25, 星島日報, A17, 港聞 ←騙取求職者資料冇犯法,呃錢先犯法!
對基金開發新電腦程式 模擬人腦炒股系統受捧 2006-11-25, 香港經濟日報, A16, 國際動態, 許懿安
囡囡年輕化 2006-11-25, 新報, F01, 新情趣, 江山多嬌, 江小龍 ←不喜勿入!
An idea a day:
15. Develop a ad company giving free plastic/paper cover to bookstores, which can give to book buyers for protecting their new books.
For book lovers like me, I always want to keep my tons of books neat and new, one way is to buy plastic cover for the books. It would be very nice if a bookstore can give me covers which exactly fit the book for free.
There is no free lunch, book covers aint free, but if the cover have ads on it, the ad fee can certainly cover the overhead.
Friday, November 24, 2006
22/24-11-2006 讀報
9:28 PM 0 comments
網上假新聞 2006-11-23, 信報財經新聞, P33, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
WiMAX的潛力 2006-11-22, 信報財經新聞, P29, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
Sony走上滅亡之路2006-11-22, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
日本音樂教父 久石讓 2006-11-22, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
硅谷人有錢也不快樂 2006-11-23, 信報財經新聞, P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
Ferragamo外聘舵手 新履程啟步 2006-11-22, 東方日報, B16, 產經
平常心看政治公關 2006-11-24, 明報, A32, 論壇, 帥兵精裝君王論, 蔡子強
An idea a day:
14. Develop a handy mobile phone muter to stop someone shout at their phone.
For anyone who want a quiet environment in lib/ restaruants/ bus/ MTR, must demand this gaget!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
21-11-2006 讀報
8:25 PM 2 comments
不與潮流妥協 2006-11-21, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
賣襪三人幫 LittleMissMatched 2006-11-21, 香港經濟日報, A37, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
輕輕鬆鬆讀經濟 2006-11-21, 香港經濟日報, A37, 行政人員, 管理書, 陳靜汶
德國 Germany 製屍過程收入場費 人體工廠年產百萬乾屍 2006-11-21, 明報, A20, 是非Fun明
An idea a day:
13. Develop a program that can translate PSP games into NDS games and vice vesa.
Nowadays, the gagets are bundled with the games which is exclusive for that player only, why not like Mac and PC, produce some program to mimic each other, and play games from their counterparts? Both mobile gagets have external storage device, and can read whatever inside the storage card, just like NDS illegal private games, can load games from memory cards. If someone can translate the game, put into a storage cards, then the games will go~~
Monday, November 20, 2006
20-11-2006 讀報
9:56 PM 0 comments
佛利民一本著作 愛沙尼亞大翻身 2006-11-20, 信報財經新聞, P23, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
佛利民向趙紫陽獻了何計? 2006-11-20, 明報, B07, 錢眼人生, 財經書評, 陸振球
辦公時間,你走去上網?! 2006-11-20, am730, M08, 新聞, 人在中環, CK ←amp版人在中環!
An idea a day:
12. Develop a company giving plastic bags for free to newspaper stands in HK.
Just like newspaper, the plastic bags can be painted with advertisments, the advertisement fee should be enough to cover all the overhead, and it can earn for a pretty profit.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
19-11-2006 讀報
11:45 AM 0 comments
揭秘創業詐騙陷阱 2006-11-19, 香港商報, A05, 服務橋
性愛學院 專業陪(目訓) 2006-11-19, 東方日報, F01, 男極圈
YouTube短片獲賞識 英白領成BBC主持 2006-11-19, 明報, A22, 國際新聞, 天下人間
賣貴價漢堡「包」好賺 2006-11-19, 東方日報, B04, 產經
香港,醒醒! - 預告 及 系列重溫 2006-11-6/18, 香港經濟日報
Think Brighter - Here's how I try to build brainstorming into my daily routine December 1, 2005, CNN Money, Pat Croce
An idea a day:
11. Develop mobile phone which can pick up phone calls inside your home.
Everyone should have this experience: When you are sleeping nicely in your room, at the mid-night/ early in the morning, there is a fuzking guy call at your home's phone, if you want to stop the fuzking ring, you have to wake and walk outside.
But if you can use an ordinary mobile phone, which can pick up anytime when phone ring, you can answer the ringing call at your finger tips.
If you have a indoor mobile phone, this is an other case. Or mobile phone with this function can replace the "indoor mobile phone", as this is a "2 in 1" solution and mobile phone is now indispensible.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
16/18-11-2006 讀報
9:37 AM 1 comments
回水呀鄭小姐!2006-11-16, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 關人馬事, 活力先生
走出微軟改變世界 2006-11-17, 信報財經新聞, P29, 副刊, 面對面, 鄭天儀
《Time》06最佳發明 2006-11-17, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, 最新雜誌速遞, 吳曉怡
潦倒泰臣淪落做鴨 2006-11-18, 東方日報, A29, 國際
日本少年賣淫組 2006-11-16, 壹週刊, A060, 時事, 壹號頭條
借橋賣漢堡極速回本 2006-11-16, 壹週刊, A102, 財經, 壹盤生意
學者讚佛老畢生力撐香港自由經濟 「一夫當關到死方休」 2006-11-18, 蘋果日報, A05, 要聞
大師一生 逢辯論必贏對學生高壓 2006-11-18, 蘋果日報, A05, 要聞
An idea a day:
10. Provide a service for people to use phone to listen to daily news.
Although 3G/wifi service is growing, but imagine if you are in an office, can you use those gagets to browse information, also many office block most of the website, the only thing connecting you and outside world remains the telephone.
The platform can be like radio news/Mark Six report, length about 5 min each, the news can be divided by world news, local news, sport news etc, each having a specific number, in order to cut down the whole news report in 5 min bite.
In addition, always seeing you on the phone, make you look like you are hard working to your BOSS!
16/11 meet with a v. important friend of mine, ryan, he teach me so much and so inspirational for me.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
14/15-11-2006 讀報
6:45 PM 0 comments
虛擬世界採訪新聞 2006-11-15, 信報財經新聞, P27, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
藥物個人化憑空取淡水 2006-11-14, 信報財經新聞, P12, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止 ←RNAi
直擊Gucci痛處 / 小眾貨品也有價值 2006-11-15, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
度心訂造 2006-11-14, 香港經濟日報, C05, 專題, 七十二行, 陳大興
公司一條龍服務 助創業者圓夢 2006-11-15, 香港經濟日報, A21, 國際動態, 財經故事, 高碧斯
美少女15歲做CEO 由護髮開始 學寫計劃書創業 2006-11-14, 香港經濟日報, A24, 國際專題, 謝媛彰
恐懼鬥室3:死神在齒 禁室賠命 2006-11-14, 東Touch, A220, entertainment cineplex
An idea a day:
9. Develop a website gathering frontpage of all the newspapers in HK.
This website can provide a very brief and concise summary about the BIG headline happening in HK, from left to right, in all direction to look at the same situation.
Monday, November 13, 2006
13-11-2006 讀報
8:45 PM 0 comments
提升物流業實力 2006-11-13, 信報財經新聞, P25, 副刊, 解碼, 狄 高
「挑戰盃」全國矚目 吸引600院校參賽 2006-11-13, 明報, A14, 教育
回贈側田做禮物 Paco︰是我捧雷頌德做音樂大師 2006-11-13, 頭條日報, P35, 娛樂, 黃栢高
An idea a day:
8. Develop a online viedo channel playing areobic/kick boxing/yoga lessons non-stop 24/7/365
Many weight-challenged people with low self-esteem always want to be fitter, but they are reluctant to play sports, as some of them don't want others to tease them. The website can provide a way for them to play all kind of indoor martial sports, both privately and professionally.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
12-11-2006 讀報
10:16 AM 0 comments
10年《長假》的意義 Don't worry be happy 2006-11-12, 明報, P02,P03, 悠長假期十年祭, 湯禎兆
冬甩連鎖集團鬥初哥 2006-11-12, 東方日報, B04, 產經
日PS3每部炒至萬四元 2006-11-12, 東方日報, A30, 國際
跟電影學逗女必殺! 2006-11-12, 東方日報, E02, 副刊
漫畫中的經典愛情(下):禁忌叛慾 2006-11-01, 茶杯, 140
An idea a day:
7. Develop database like IMDb/HKMDb, unifying all the VCD/DVD vending shop together, share their list of library and membership.
Providing users to locate which shop has which movie, in this way, users can find the nearest shop for the movie wanted, or find the shop having the rare/dated movie.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
10/11-11-2006 讀報
9:42 AM 0 comments
港大學生會 2006-11-11, 蘋果日報, E11, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
對冲基金是敵人還是朋友? 2006-11-11, 香港經濟日報, B02, 投資, 經濟與投資, 石鏡泉
牛記笠記 2006-11-11, 信報財經新聞, P26, 文化‧書評, 中通外直, 詹德隆
本地廣告由盛轉衰 2006-11-10, 蘋果日報, B11, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
iPod玩家創業紀 2006-11-10, 信報財經新聞, P29, 副刊, 面對面, 林思華
易服中的日本 Japanese Escape from Old School Days 2006-11-10, 香港經濟日報, C05, 閱讀, 陳大興
Asian Heros亞洲英雄點將錄 2006-11-10, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 黃穎頤
免費影印服務 紙背廣告勁賺 2006-11-11, 太陽報, A30, 國際
書店Cafe求存靠搞文化 2006-11-11, 星島日報, E07, 年華, 文化廊, 何可
An idea a day:
6. Develop a website to gauge the performance / luckilness of finanical actors in HK, by publishing all the words said by them in newspaper.
The website can catch their pants down if they have said something wrong.
It can give the recent performance for investors to follow: If the actors perform good, follow them; if they perform really bad, buy on the opposite! Don't feel redicules, it works, just buy a pile of oriental daily, try to buy on opposite, i am sure you can earn a pretty $$.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
9-11-2006 讀報
11:18 AM 0 comments
單身李雲廸想結識香港女孩 2006-11-09, 蘋果日報, A21, 專欄專論, 至Hit人物
壓力some ways out 2006-11-09, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, 管理書, 吳曉怡
Go創業前弄清危興機 2006-11-09, 明報, G02, 增值, 企業主意, 關詠賢
批發新丁教學生搵真銀 2006-11-09, 壹週刊, A106, 財經, 壹盤生意
紐交所裁員五百人 2006-11-09, 信報財經新聞, P07, 國際時事
什麼叫衞星報紙 2006-08-21, 市場報, 05, IT‧視點, 信息高速路, 林達
企業四步曲——創業借助高科技做現代報紙佬 2005-04-09, 經濟一週, 58
山頂廣場 - 報紙自動售賣機 Feb-May 2005, 恒隆地產商場快訊
An idea a day:
5. Develop an advertising company which sponsers the publishing of newsletters / fryers for university societies, in return for the rights to put ads on them.
As the ad channel is so targeted, most of them are university students, and the circulation is so vast, over 100k people in 7 universities in HK, if the company can unify all the societies to join the campaign, it should have a great bargaining power for high ad fee.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
8-11-2006 讀報
9:23 PM 0 comments
孫正義的MySpace / Google的舊經濟夢 2006-11-08, am730, M20, 投資, 中環博客, 禤中怡
開會唔講嘢一世冇運行 2006-11-08, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
解開出身枷鎖 張戎 2006-11-08, 香港經濟日報, A56, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
郎朗、李雲迪、小伏 獲批優才將成港人 2006-11-08, 頭條日報, P04, 港聞
欣賞Citrix 2006-11-08, 資訊科技周刊, IT8, 增值廣場, IT議事亭, 文耀
最新包裝可極速拆袋安全套1秒戴上 2006-11-08, 蘋果日報, A26, 世界萬象 ←What a genius,容易c!
An idea a day:
4. IPO-ize new business idea, create a online platform to match investors and $$-lacking entrepenuers.
- The amount of $$ entrepenuer need for startup, say HKD$100k , is divided into a definite shares, say 100, then each share is equal to HKD$1k.
- Investors can go to the platform to seek $$ earning oppotunites, if they find a viable and interesting idea, they can buy any amount of shares they want, say 45 shares of the company, then he need to pay HKD$45k, and he becomes a shareholder of that company and share the profit according to the $$ he they invest.
- Once the amount of seeding fund, say HKD$100k is fulfilled, then entrepenuer can kick off and start the company.
- In this way, entrepenuer can find "in-sync" investors more easily, and leverage the internet effect for fund raising.
開會唔講嘢一世冇運行 2006-11-08, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
解開出身枷鎖 張戎 2006-11-08, 香港經濟日報, A56, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
郎朗、李雲迪、小伏 獲批優才將成港人 2006-11-08, 頭條日報, P04, 港聞
欣賞Citrix 2006-11-08, 資訊科技周刊, IT8, 增值廣場, IT議事亭, 文耀
最新包裝可極速拆袋安全套1秒戴上 2006-11-08, 蘋果日報, A26, 世界萬象 ←What a genius,容易c!
An idea a day:
4. IPO-ize new business idea, create a online platform to match investors and $$-lacking entrepenuers.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
7-11-2006 讀報
9:01 PM 6 comments
續談M型社會 2006-11-04, 置業家居, 030, 樓市寬頻.com, 區達明 ←Joyce, here you go!
風險基金的中國投資 2006-11-07, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
給港大同學的公開信 2006-11-07, 明報, B11, 論壇, 學聯學運, 蔡子強
An idea a day:
3. Develop an auto-vending mechine for newspapers / magazines in HK.
- Due to the high wage of labour, auto-machines can lower the cost for selling.
- In this way local newspsper is more competitive to free newspapers.
Moreover. There are newspaper vending machines somewhere in Central. Actually, they print out copies on customers' choice / payment.
The machine print out the whole pile of newspaper or just a few pages?
If customer can choose specific columns to print, it can greatly customize the format of newspaper in HK.
You can select the columns from different newspapers that you are interested, then go to print you own pile of articles everyday to form a tailor made newspaper.
Just like the concept of RSS / orangedays in print!
It is quite revolutionary if the above concept come into reality.
Newspapers make $$ by advertisment. The amount Press agency earn is proportional to the circulation, the circulation is a function of a whole bundle of things, basically, the skills/reputation/influence of the writers.
The costomized newspaper's ads should be in bundle with the articles. Highly syndicated writer earn more adveristment will be the result.
Driven by $$, writer will go for freelance, in stead of joining a press, as they knows the exactly the number of syndication, and Syndication = $$.
This add burden to press agency to maintain the tie. Press may need another revenue model in order to be profitable.
I remember I read an article in HKET last year ( maybe ) about this press-and-print model. They have obtained authorizations from significant newspapers worldwide, located in major business cities, for whole pile of course. If my memory is correct, it is available in HK, Beijing and Shanghai.
Concerning freelance writers, I think it might be more flexible for them to run pay-and-read blogger site, in web 2.0 age.
Book vending machines have also come out. I forgot if it's located in MTR of Central or Admaralty. But the books are limited to some best-sellers or romance novels.
Apple Daily prevents syndication by giving the star writer several times more than their current fee but requiring them to write exclusively for Apple Daily.
Yes, book vending machine exist, The next little thing has an article for that.
Monday, November 06, 2006
5/6-11-2006 讀報
8:42 PM 2 comments
Ivey MBA真人示範:變革管理 2006-11-06, 香港經濟日報, A54, 行政專欄, H.R. Wisdom, 梁穎勤
大馬「新香港」計劃被看淡 2006-11-06, 信報財經新聞, P08, 國際時事
Net人種出花花世界 2006-11-05, 東方日報, B04, 產經
港燦是個七字頭 2006-11-05, 明報, P08,P09, 什麼人訪問什麼人, 梁啟智
死亡筆記中的 自愛世代 2006-11-05, 明報, P20, 讀書, 流行文化 Pop Culture, 湯禎兆
An idea a day:
2. Develop a 少年股神訓練班.
Satisfying the profit/prospect seeking needs of HK parents, the class provides a fundamental knowledge and skills of investing to kids aged 6-15.
yes ar~~
y not reply me??
Hi. 區達明 has a follow-up article on M-Society in Property Times dated Nov 4.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
3/4-11-2006 讀報
11:08 AM 2 comments
公子生活 2006-11-03, 蘋果日報, E20, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
對冲基金經理問卷 2006-11-03, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
我愛蘭桂FON 2006-11-03, 蘋果日報, B06, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲 ←What a brillant idea!
半數人悔讀大學神童班 2006-11-04, 蘋果日報, A24, 兩岸要聞
An idea a day:
A daily post that suggest funny/meanful things to do once in a lifetime!
1. Have your own pointless collection.
For me, I have tons of different society's promotional posters which I steal in univeristy campus.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
2-11-2006 讀報
8:40 PM 0 comments
M型之對策 2006-11-02, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
Sony總裁死不悔改 2006-11-02, 蘋果日報, B08, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
風險管理專才 求過於供 入行好時機 2006-11-02, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, 職業特攻隊, 梁巧恩
遊戲世界真實買賣 2006-11-02, 信報財經新聞, P29, 副刊, 林志峰
神奇內褲令男士「看來更大」 2006-11-02, 蘋果日報, A30, 世界風情
好文章分享 強烈推薦 M型社會來了! 2006-10-28, Property Times, 036-037, 樓市寬頻.com, 區達明 ←個idea其實都幾似treasure hunt.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
31-10/1-11-2006 讀報
11:14 PM 0 comments
大膽交易員 2006-11-01, AM730, M21, 投資, 中環博客, 禢中怡
培育中國科研人才 2006-10-31, 信報財經新聞, P21, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
誰是Bloomberg殺手?2006-11-01, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
Jumpstart 彈性服務 搶千萬商機 2006-11-01, 香港經濟日報, A38, 企業管理, 商贏智慧, 李如虹
績效轉型的六大成功因素 2006-10-31, 信報財經新聞, P19, 經濟‧企管, 姚萬里 (麥肯錫公司香港分公司董事) ←吹下tipping point,good to great就係mckinsey level!