Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Friday, March 30, 2007

29/31-3-2006 讀報

9:01 PM 3 comments

德國遭遇「腦力流失」之痛 2007-03-30 大公報 A20, 大公評論, 世界 觀察, 張夢
「職業圓謊族」 成偷情幫兇 2007-03-29 文匯報 A28, 神州大地
未來遊戲結合腦神經 2007-03-29 信報財經新聞 P46, 經濟.企管, 傳承與壯大, 何華真
愚人節惡作劇意粉樹稱冠 2007-03-30 明報 A35, 國際.Fun明
少年股神遭證監檢控 2007-03-30 太陽報 B04, 財經新聞
廉價網上勞工 2007-03-29 信報財經新聞 P32, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
歐洲品牌 不死策略 Challenges of European brands 2007-03-30 香港經濟日報 A62, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 黃穎頤
愛得太遲周永健 2007-03-29 壹週刊 A082, 財經, 財經人物

An idea a day:
93. Being Hired! - One stop for all good jobs in Hong Kong.
There are a handful of databases in Hong Kong providing job listing services, eg. Jobmarket, Recruit, JiuJik etc.

If job seekers wish to scout and exhaust all these sources, for the sake of not missing any job opportunities, they may find it gruelling, as there are really a number of them.

To mininize the searching time and efficiency, I have written up a simple website (may be too simple) called Being Hired! which could let you to search jobs through all the biggest job databases in HK.

Entering the website, you will find a text box, put in the job position you want, then select the database and search. That is.

If you find it interesting/ helpful or want to suggest improvements, please leave comment!


Hey guys, the application is terrific!
Should be useful in HK, as there are virtually no job aggregators as in US.
It is really the fastest way to have a job search, but may be you could include some useful link in the front page, provide more information to visitors.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

28-3-2006 讀報

8:47 PM 0 comments

全球經濟危機的診斷師 2007-03-28 am730 M18,M19, 特寫, 郭美玲、張佩琪
紐國利賓納 被揭不含維他命C 2007-03-28 香港經濟日報 A32, 港聞
《生活》第三度停刊 2007-03-28 星島日報 A28, 國際
證監警告網上唱高散貨騙局 2007-03-28 信報財經新聞 P02, 股市動態

Actualized idea:
Idea 90, 18-3-2006, web 2.0 version for library catalogue.
私家電子圖書館輕易擁有 2007-03-28 明報 D02, e潮, 周日發

An idea a day:
92. Use google alert for exhaustive job search purpose.
Google Alerts send you email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.

Thus if you want to find a Police Inspector position in hk, type in Police Inspector site:, then once the job is on the website, your email will be hitted by the notice, letting you to know about the position vacancy once available.

Multiple Google Alerts could be setted, thus a wide range of job-listing sites, like craigslist, monsters could be featured and an exhaustive search could be done at ease, without clicking tens of hundreds of websites, in order to find the job vacancy you want.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

27-3-2006 讀報

8:34 PM 2 comments


記事本圓夢計畫 (1 day)
作者:熊谷正壽 / 出版社:商周出版 / 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 11 日

OK Go短片奪YouTube大獎 隨節拍跑步機跳舞 最創意 2007-03-27, 香港經濟日報, A24, 國際焦點, 陳國勳、黎卓賢、韓嘉恩
十八歲少年發明記憶外語方法42小時記憶1000個英文生字 2007-03-27, am730, M10, 新聞
蔗糖製電池 汽水驅動手機 2007-03-27, 星島日報, A31, 國際
戰機機師背負引擎 享受鳥兒樂趣「火箭人」展翅飛行四分鐘 2007-03-27, 成報, B12, 國際新聞
接手機廣告可免電話費 2007-03-27, 星島日報, A31, 國際
叫床鈴聲13萬人下載 2007-03-27, 蘋果日報, A25, 兩岸要聞 ←"晌大陸一人比一蚊你就會發達" 都不是一定錯!
Zara未出撒手 2007-03-27, 蘋果日報, B18, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
紅酒期貨的投資價值 2007-03-27, 信報財經新聞, P35, 經濟.企管, 經管錦言, 周灝

An idea a day:
91. Develop a pressdisplay style for salty magazines around the world.
Pressdisplay allow a users to view over 100 titles of newspapers as if they are reading the actual one.

Thanks to BT and free photo/video porn sites, salty magazines market, like playboy is shrinking now, with less and less subscriptors.

The website is of course not the favorite of boys, but it should be a great attraction, if they could pay one fee and browse a bundle of quality salty magazines around the world.

This could let boys to explore to different magazines freely, which may not even be able to explore and get known, providing a seeding chance for loyalty development.

To liberal/culture study purpose, it provides a great source of local sub-culture material, in order to have a in-depth comparison among them.


waiting to read yr idea ~
stand up
Sure I will.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

26-3-2006 讀報

8:49 PM 2 comments

撼動華爾街的華人四高手 2007-03-26, 香港商報, A12, 人物
大學財金系準畢業生搶手 畢業前3個月已獲聘書 平均年薪逾30萬 2007-03-26, 文匯報, A34, 教育
零售新勢力攻中環 2007-03-26, 香港經濟日報, A10, 新聞特寫, 曾桂芬、何美華、伍詠詩
明星制掛帥 培訓市場爭餅戰 2007-03-26, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, 07商機, 黃穎頤、伍狄奇


Hey Tim,

It's a pretty good idea to sift through the news articles of HK. Just one question, how to you manage to read two books a week and being so consistent in doing that? Have you learn how to "speed read"? Or you simply spend a lot of time on Audio books?

Sam (it is my real name)

If you are determined, with a little wits, no things can't be accomplished.

About the "speed read" thing, there are techiques, but people have their own ways in doing things, the same techique may not apply to everyone.

But once you get hold, practice makes perfect, and that is.

I have try some audio books, but I like reading more.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

25-3-2006 讀報

9:59 AM 3 comments

誰是今天的波斯王 2007-03-25, 蘋果日報, E08, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
Not bound by anything - The future of books Mar 22nd 2007, The Economist print edition, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA
Deficit Disorder - How Thomas Alva EdisonInvented the Modern World APRIL 2, 2007, BW, IDEAS -- BOOKS Invention, Randall Stross
10 Questions: Jimmy Wales Mar. 21, 2007, Time, PEOPLE


Hey, busy these days?
Yes, fucking busy...and get quite discouraging for some reasons.

But I guess the moody feeling will recover soon.
Then you should watch "Pursuit of happyness", an motivating film.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

21/24-3-2006 讀報

7:56 AM 0 comments

Ugly Americans (4 days)
Ben Mezrich / Publisher: William Morrow (May 4, 2004)

You will get more about the life of a trader.

生仔生出bb鞋王國 2007-03-21, 壹本便利 , TE012, 創業板, 創業通
3分鐘講服大班 大學版《飛黃騰達》 4猛人變Donald Trump 2007-03-23, 香港經濟日報, A14, 新聞特寫, 伍詠詩
真人試用新機醫鼻敏感掂! 2007-03-23, 忽然一周 , SW120, 潮流手冊, 健康專線
許鞍華現代的悲喜流轉 2007-03-23, 明報 , D06, 世紀人文·關懷·視野, 世紀Film of the Month, 文愈希
政治就是風格——電視辯論筆記兩則 2007-03-23, 明報, A35, 論壇, 帥兵精裝君王論, 蔡子強
「癲漢」揭秘:對沖基金舞高弄低 2007-03-23, 信報財經新聞, P32, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林


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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

19/20-3-2006 讀報

9:00 PM 0 comments

無限商機在老年人口老化不必憂 2007-03-20, 信報財經新聞, P15, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
blog結集成書變blook 博客出書大勢所趨 2007-03-19, am730, M12, 新聞, 國際
細說港大發展今昔 漫談四年學制新氣象 2007-03-19, 星島日報, F03, 大學版, 大學論壇, 徐立之
華裔專家破解垃圾廣告 網誌陷阱 縱容散播 2007-03-20, 香港經濟日報, A20, 國際動態, 許懿安
回歸十年‧十年電影 2007-03-20, 明報, D04, 世紀人文.關懷.視野, 影視三月.Conversation
詐騙集團聘玩家 贏百萬富翁8000 萬 2007-03-19, 明報, A27, 國際
私有化私募 2007-03-20, 蘋果日報, B20, 財經要聞, 國金眺望, 方卓如
紅酒投資—風險、回報及管理 2007-03-20, 信報財經新聞, P56, 經濟.企管, 經管錦言, 周灝
Harjeet Johal 肥仔嘜減肥致富 2007-03-19, 香港經濟日報, A60, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
揭私募基金 神秘面紗 2007-03-19, 投資理財, 050, 財富管理, 基金專題, 吳雙榮

Actualized idea:
Idea 75, 22 Feb, Invent an in-door light setting that enable color-changing
揭Philips Sense and Simplicity 創意設計之謎 2007-03-19, 香港經濟日報, A59, 企業管理, 商贏智慧, 劉奇明
More information here, the LightSpectrum and Chameleon.


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Sunday, March 18, 2007

18-3-2006 讀報

7:33 AM 3 comments

My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student
Rebekah Nathan / Publisher: Cornell university press (August 4, 2005)

新智能啤酒機可辨顧 客年齡 2007-03-18, 星島日報, A16, 國際
購物女王浴血史 2007-03-18, 明報, P19, 日偽流民, 湯禎兆
內向日本 2007-03-18, 蘋果日報, E09, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
Mind games Mar 15th 2007 The Economist, Consumer electronics
A McKinsey Of Pop Culture? MARCH 26, 2007, BW, Marketing
The Doctor Is In A Rut MARCH 26, 2007, BW, IDEAS -- BOOKS ←BW and Time introduce the same book!
Where Doctors Go Wrong March 26, 2007, Time, Vol. 169 No. 13, HEALTH & MEDICINE
An excerpt from 'True North" March 5 2007, Fortune, Bill George

An idea a day:
90. For university catalogue like this, add functions to facilitate readers. The same idea could also be used in amazon, to increase the loyalty of it users.
Readers could benefited by having a page of their own reading log, recording all the books they have read, are going to read, wish to buy etc.

Letting readers to add tags for different books could systematically catagorize the books in their record with their own perference of wordings.

Social network tagging could allows other readers to explore tags and users, keeping in track of how others catagorize the books, and what other users are currently reading. could also state the popularity of a book in certain subject/tag, it could be a amateur guide for users to that subject by approaching to popular books first.

Here is my own read log, for which recording books that I have finished recently.


Wow, near 150 books finished since 2005?!

How could you do that? Amazing!!!
Yes, in average 1 to 2 per week and that is.
Will resume update on Wed.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

15/17-3-2006 讀報

7:43 AM 1 comments

Offshore: The Dark Side of the Global Economy
William Brittain-Catlin / Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux (June 30, 2005)
作者: 薛俊良 / 匯智出版 / 出版日期: 2006年12月
作者:熊谷正壽 / 出版社:商周出版 / 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 11 日
Ugly Americans: The True Story of the Ivy League Cowboys Who Raided the Asian Markets for Millions
Ben Mezrich / Publisher: William Morrow (May 4, 2004)
My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student
Rebekah Nathan / Publisher: Cornell university press (August 4, 2005)

浴室魔鏡顯示即時股價 新奇電子產品CeBIT 曝光 2007-03-17, 明報, B18, 國際
理念投資法須經三個階段 2007-03-17, 信報財經新聞, P09, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 曹仁超
活力門前總裁造假帳判囚偽造數據谷股價 拒認罪終要入獄 2007-03-17, 成報, A16, 國際新聞
品牌革新——成功案例剖析 2007-03-16, 信報財經新聞, P30, 特稿, 管理新思維
女皇啟示錄 2007-03-16, 明報, A42, 論壇, 精裝君王論, 蔡子強
4千元神奇頸鏈 消委踢爆騙長者 2007-03-16, 香港經濟日報, A28, 社會要聞, 冼韻姬、張淑瑜

An idea a day:
89. Follow up to idea 74, 21 Feb, develop a podcast version for dailylit.
DailyLit brings non-copyrighted books into your inbox in convenient small messages that take less than 5 minutes to read. Here are the books from author Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy and William Shakespeare for you to take a glimpse of what is happening.

With the text to speech (speech synthesis) technology, we could easily transform the word version of email service of dailylit in to a podcast, for which people could synchronize their reading with ipod, letting people to enjoy the convenient of audio books in a cheap and virtually free way.

This could provide no more excuse for you to enjoy the classics, no matter you are commuting in a congested bus / MTR in the morning or afterwork.

I think it would be more meaningful than just wasting time to listen to those pops.


Yo, that's great!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

13/4-3-2006 讀報

8:10 PM 1 comments

Wii翻版碟襲港 最平3.5元 內地拍賣網兜售 加運費24小時送上門 2007-03-14, 香港經濟日報, A26, 社會要聞, 獨家報道, 范偉潔、吳婉茵
華爾街年薪148萬搶MBA生 大行殺入名校競搞招聘會 2007-03-14, 香港經濟日報, A23, 國際動態, 許懿安
斬首式挖角玩謝花旗 2007-03-14, am730, M22, 投資, 中環博客, 禤中怡
今年首對外開放 Tech Fest 揭探 Windows 未來 2007-03-14, 星島日報, I09, iT廣場, 企業動態

An idea a day:
88. Orangedays bookswap.
I will post in this blog the books that I have bought and finished, if you find any books that interests you, please post in comment for swapping.

More information about bookswapping.



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Monday, March 12, 2007

12-3-2006 讀報

8:44 PM 5 comments

Are there anyone really read Orangedays everyday?

New and finished
The New Spend Less Revolution (1 day)
Rebecca Ash / Publisher: Harriman House Publishing (30 May 2006)

「水貨」車大王黃毅力 公開發達秘笈 2007-03-12, 都市日報, P24,P25, 焦點, 陳詩欣
時裝沒有專利仿製日漸流行 2007-03-12, 信報財經新聞, P15, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
手機導遊指南變身玩樂王 2007-03-12, 東方日報, A08, 港聞
蘭桂坊設置 心臟復甦機 2007-03-12, 星島日報, A08, 港聞
日本科技巨擘求突破 2007-03-12, 信報財經新聞, P35, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
熱關之役2007-03-12, 都市日報, P45, 副刊, 兵器譜, 梁文道、邵家臻

An idea a day:
87. Use reddit/digg style for displaying news articles in newspaper website, like appledaily.
Using this style, users could vote articles up or down, causing them to appear more or less prominently on the newspaper website. Other than letting the agency to choose what may interest the mass, the mass could adjust by itself.

For super busy people, this could let them to use minimal time to browse the smallest number of articles, in order to get in touch with the public taste and trends.

For small potatoe reporters, yours articles may have a greater chance to be the big/bold headlines, before you get into high position or famous.

This could also be a everyday market research for the newspaper agency, gauging the favourite of it's reader or audience, for better marketing work and more focus/clear target group for advertising purpose.

Low rating columists could be laid off, and the performance of every writers could be more effectively, systemetically and scientifically be measured, agencies could now be more easily to apply the GE performance-based management style. The salary scale could also be performance based, for popular writers, the $$ is more easy to earn and vice-versa.

In this way, all writers will think more creatively to increase the responiveness of it's reader, by evoking passion, feelings, call for actions, other than just spoon-feeding information to the mass.


Mr Lai from apple daily should very like this.
Read every morning.
I have N.A.D.D, got to have new stuff to keep myself aware.
Reddit and digg are also part of my everyday diet.


有時好得閒都會睇下以下d link,但now就唔會日日睇.
1st Headline
Newseum FP
News Map
你d link 又殺我唔少時間. 多謝.

除左reddit同digg, 主要睇blog.
Cool! is really interesting!

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

11-3-2006 讀報

10:06 AM 0 comments

企管雙打:DIY家品集團「俬」鬥 2007-03-11, 東方日報, B04, 產經
戲院播求婚短片贏美人歸 2007-03-11, 太陽報, A30, 國際
少年港生北上嫖妓激增 2007-03-11, 星島日報, A04, 要聞, 新聞狙擊
麻省理工課程免費全上網 2007-03-11, 蘋果日報, A18, 世界風情

100 Ways to Kill a Concept: Why Most Ideas Get Shot Down 07-March, Changethis

An idea a day:
86. Setup a wiki for all the chinese network jokes and "gag" IQ questions.
Samples could be like:

1. 巴斯光年殺左條龍之後變左咩? 殺龍巴斯
2. 條蟲爬去皇帝條j度你估係咩?爬龍舟囉
3. 當你看完A片後要作什麼?看B片!VCD是分開兩隻

The wiki could provide a centralized database, which could be very systematically categorized, for the ease of searching and finding.

The existing situation now is: the jokes and questions are scattered here and there with numerous little pieces, it is impossible for 1 person to re-organize the old one, as well as to update all the new jokes, but the wiki style could do this job perfectly.

Something like 香港網絡大典:香港高登討論區 or 高登常用詞彙 could be a good example, tracing all the small funny sub-culture of HK, which are shaping and changing people around us.

As the jokes or IQ questions could evolve and develop into many different versions, the wiki could help to track back the origin and the development path.

For people who want to find some sort of cheers, this is a perfect website! This site could also be known as the Gag Encyclopedia (爛GAG大全).


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Saturday, March 10, 2007

9/10-3-2006 讀報

8:18 AM 5 comments

Armchair Economist: Economics And Everyday Experience
Steven E. Landsburg / Publisher: Free Press; Reprint edition (March 1, 1995)

招聘解凍 紀律部隊請2800人 2007-03-10, 香港經濟日報, A21, 港聞
腦波控制電子遊戲年底上市 2007-03-10, 星島日報, A26, 國際
沃頓蟬聯商學院榜首 多交換生 推行小組學習 2007-03-10, 香港經濟日報, A16, 國際專題, 黎卓賢、謝媛彰
內地創投明星 —— 沈南鵬 2007-03-09, 香港經濟日報, A65, 行政人員, 最新雜誌速遞, 丹妮絲
中國80後消費攻略 2007-03-09, 香港經濟日報, A65, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 陳靜汶
「補習天王」申請英皇教育清盤 2007-03-10, 星島日報, A10, 港聞
2007 Undergraduate B-School Rankings Business Week, ISSUE DATE: March 19, 2007, SPECIAL REPORT
Sidestepping Disaster - THE STRATEGY PARADOX Business Week, ISSUE DATE: March 19, 2007, BOOKS
The World's Billionaires Forbes, 03.08.07, Special Report, Luisa Kroll and Allison Fass
The World's Billionaires - Why Didn't I Think Of That? Forbes, 03.08.07, Special Report, Luisa Kroll and Allison Fass ←Really worth reading

An idea a day:
85. Setup a online bookshop, which can let paid member to view the whole first (few) chapter of all books.
Traditional bookshops like amazon, earn by selling books, apart from that, this online bookshop have a new/ alternative revenue stream by earning membership fee, at which in this world, no bookshop have ever tried before, except the discount membership card, which will surely promote sale but hamper the maximium profit(reducing selling price).

Everyone should have a experience of buying bad books, no matter how experienced you are. When you are in a actual bookshop, it is not so comfort for you to view a critical amount of pages, in order to determine and buy a good book. Amazon provides a better way by letting people to view freely the content page and others with limited access.

Why amazon just provide limited access, but it is crystal clear that this could increase the chance of closing deal online? I guess it probably because of the copyright issue, publisher could only earn when the sales (from amazon) is good, letting people view freely online just kill the cash cow, as amazon can not earn $$ by letting people to view free pages.

No business deal cant be solved by $$, if we charge member a little monthly to cover the copyright cost and earn a little, there will be two-fold effect, on one side, without increasing sales, the bookshop still earns, as there are constant membership fee, the other side, allowing members to view could let people feel more comfort for buying, thus increasing sales.

Remember the long tail? For rare books with niche subject, it is very difficult to pursuede the mass to buy, although the mass are starting to take heed, but this bookshop will lower the barrier of entry, by allowing no-risk trial for members. Remember this fact: It is standard rate, it is the same cost for viewing whatever amount of books! For sagacious members, they will surely to maximize the investment by view as large as they can, in this way, the sales will surely be promoted.

This business model is similar to Napster, letting users to paid a monthly fee, then allow people to listen MP3 for unlimited amount.

Actually, I think there is a great similarity between the music and book industry, both the selling contents can be digialized and downloadable nowadays, there are virtually unlimited authors, pulishers, artists, genres, subjects, catagories in both industries, people favrioute varies, nearly any niches have it's fans. The contents could be sell to world-wide over to the internet....

If Napster can do, why book cant?


armchair economist is quite enjoyable. tho most of the ideas therein appeared in his columns in slate already... enjoy.

I'm one of the "China 80s". Some of the descriptions really depict the picture of young Chinese, though I'm skeptical to certain sayings. And in fact, the "Hong Kong 80s and 90s" are experiencing the same, aren't they?
Hi Tim. I'm a every day reader, thanks for your sharing all along.

In reply to "The World's Billionaires" from Forbes, just found the following reply on Reddit:

The real richest people in America

Social Entrepreneur.
To Cat,

Yes, I think this is also the case in HK.


This is especially true in HK.

To Kitty,

Airchair economist is good, although this is published a long ago, (I still in kindergarden when 1995) but the fact still apply.

Are there any other magazines which is worth seeing??
To Amakusa,

The link is good!

All are great Social Entrepreneurs!

John Wood is one of my hero!

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

8-3-2006 讀報

8:13 PM 2 comments

Small Is the New Big (5 days)
Seth Godin / Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (August 17, 2006)

作者:沈泰全、朱士英 / 出版社:早安財經 / 出版日期:2005 年 09 月 28 日

杯底有話兒靠塊墊賺桶金 2007-03-08, 太陽報, E05, 娛閒, Jason
港人口趨老化 輔助日常生活 創意「銀髮產品」前景佳 2007-03-08, 成報, A11, 專版
微軟改變世界的新發明 2007-03-08, 蘋果日報, A29, 世界風情
女人玩機:不再Concept真正切合女性的家電 2007-03-08, 蘋果日報, E12, 電腦科技
荒謬人生 2007-03-08, 壹週刊, A074, 時事, 壹號專題
「魔童」利森謀復出當炒家 2007-03-08, 香港經濟日報, A19, 國際動態, 財經故事, 高碧斯

An idea a day:
84. Use 3G phone to check the balance of Octopus card.
If all the data is uploaded to the internet.

For people commute by bus/ tram/ ferry etc, there is no more convenient way to check the balance, other then your mobile phone.


Is "small is the new big" good?

I would like to buy one.
Yes, quite good, the chinese edition is also ready now.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

5/7-3-2006 讀報

8:32 PM 0 comments

韓人的中國致富七秘訣 2007-03-06, 東方日報, A33, 國際
自負盈虧課程報讀人數飆升 碩士求職優勢不再 2007-03-07, 星島日報, F03, 大學版
美學生冒充教授呃維基 2007-03-07, 文匯報, A23, 國際新聞
《讀書好》 2007-03-07, 明報, D05, 時代, 女人心, 陳惜姿
廉價網上圖書館 下月運作 藏書10萬 借閱每本收5角 2007-03-06, 香港經濟日報, A33, 教育, 王明瑜
哈佛耶魯紛紛出鹹書名牌大學變色慾校園 2007-03-05, 蘋果日報, A29, 世界風情
濟殺手進行跨國官商勾結 2007-03-05, 明報, B11, 錢眼人生, 財經書評, 陸振球
贏了評論員輸了公眾的怪圈 2007-03-05, 明報, A30, 論壇, 帥兵君王論, 蔡子強

An idea a day:
83. How to kill others' ideas?
1. Laugh
2. Silence (No response at all )
3. Believe me, that never works
4. Could we find someone eat that nuts?
5. One of our competitors/ someone did something like that before (But dont have any prove)


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Sunday, March 04, 2007

4-3-2006 讀報

9:05 AM 4 comments

懶人大學生發明「飛彈」啤酒機 2007-03-04, 成報, A14, 國際新聞
神奇抹布 污漬冇得留低 2007-03-04, 東方日報, A24, 國際
王貽興寫作舒解我不安 2007-03-04, 明報, P22, 讀書, 讀書, 鄭依依
豐乳傳說的現代神話 2007-03-04, 明報, P14, 日偽流民, 湯禎兆
獨立建國不是夢 2007-03-04, 蘋果日報, E08, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)

An idea a day:
82. Develop a digg style online Multiple Listing Service for real estate, at which users can suggest price for any apartments listed, if the suggest price matched with the deal price, prize could be awarded.
Digg style of MLS could shown to buyers and sellers the popularity and demand of that apartment.

The game of the award platform goes like this:

1. Users suggest price for any listed apartments
2. If the suggested price match perfectly to the deal price, awards, like a certain % of the agent fee could be given
3. If more than 1 people bid the deal price, then lottery draw could be applied
4. There could be no people win the prize, as there could be no one guess the deal price

The benefit of this platform:
1. To Buyers and Sellers
Driven by the wisdom of crowd, if the sample size and diversification is large, the chance of suggesting the most optimal price for a apartment, combining all the information in the market, could be done.

People who want to buy and sell could make reference to the crowd suggest price for selling and buying.

This could provide a more accurate mean for pricing when compared to present method:

a. Compare to the historical record of that apartment
b. Compare to the recent selling price of similar apartment, nearby, in the same estate etc, like data in Centadata
c. Listen to what the agent suggest, at which the price could deviate from the market, no matter how professional the agents are, as the price is only "one-mind" suggestion
d. Read magazine for crowd of agents and professionals opinions

2. To web users
Users could win prize, could make $$ out of the real estate from no cost. They could also update and find opportunities in real estate.

3. This website
The crowd could provide a real-estate-index for pricing, given the most important information to buyers and sellers, facilitating to close deal from MLS. If closed deal, agent fee could be earn.

It could attract people who interested in real-estate, a concentrated audience for marketing purpose, advertising fee could be earn.

In theory the game goes like this:

The crowd suggest the most optimal market price → Buyers and sellers could make reference to the price, other than traditional measures → If the crowd suggested the deal price, award could be given.


I should not disclose, but my firm is doing a plan which is very similar to yours.

We will invest about USD$0.5M on it, and it is in the last few stage now.


To all,

Will resume update on Wednesday.
Yes, we think the model is brillant if everyone would take part!

For apartment that is rare and have few transaction, buyer and seller could find some sort of indicator for the optimal price, how amazing!
I just thought that in this world I am the only one with this crazy idea.

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Saturday, March 03, 2007

2/3-3-2006 讀報

8:25 AM 1 comments

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World / 8 days
John Wood / Publisher: Collins (August 29, 2006)
上班途中可以做的80件事 / 2hrs
作者:熊力樊 / 出版社:海鴿 / 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 01 日

英發明止鼻鼾牙膠 2007-03-02, 文匯報, A21, 國際新聞
增聘人手加快清關 大水喉射住海關入境處 2007-03-02, 太陽報, A04, 港聞
日本搞笑節目搞出禍來 2007-03-02, 明報, D04, 世紀 人文·關懷·視野, 我思我在東海道草紙, 吳偉明
Out of the dusty labs - The rise and fall of corporate R&D Mar 1st 2007, The Economist, BARCELONA, PALO ALTO AND ZURICH
Schwarzman - Wall Street's Man of the Moment 5 March 2007, Fortune, 74, Cover Story; Special Report; American Wealth, Schwartz, Nelson D ←CEO of Blackstone
50,000 TV Channels! The Skype Guys Strike Again Mar 12, 2007, Time, Vol.169, Iss. 11; pg. 52, Jeremy Caplan ←Joost
21 essential web tools Mar 2007, Profit, Vol.26, Iss. 1; pg. 30, 6 pgs, Ian Portsmouth, Jim McElgunn, Kim Shiffman, Kara Aaserud.
THE WISDOM OF CROWDSOURCING Mar 2007, Profit, Vol.26, Iss. 1; pg. 36, 2 pgs, Rick Spence

An idea a day:
81. Take a look at Hacking Microsoft Office Excel to read live RSS stock news feeds, provide another version which enable microsoft word to read any rss feeds.
It should be a perfect application for office slackers.

Unlike traditional webpage, rss contain minimal information, excluding all the design and layout of a webpage, if incorporated into a MS word, others will just think that you are doing documentation, but not browsing and relaxing.

Here is Orangedays rss.


Promoting your rss?

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

28/1-2/3-2006 讀報

8:35 PM 0 comments

博弈天使——黃岳永 2007-03-01, 信報財經新聞, P33, 副刊, 面對面, 鄭天儀
風塵上位法楊天命 2007-03-01, 壹週刊, A084, 財經, 一個人在商場
聰明假牙自動餵病人食藥 2007-02-28, 文匯報, A24, 國際新聞
M型社會降臨 消費兩極化 2007-02-28, 香港經濟日報, A29, 行政人員, 07商戰, 李如虹、陳靜汶
專門知識與另類視野 2007-02-28, 信報財經新聞, P39, 副刊專欄, 繁星哲語, 陳載灃
求愛T恤熱賣 年創富8000萬 衫上印號碼 有意可上網傳情 2007-02-28, 香港經濟日報, A16, 國際專題, 謝媛彰、陳國勳

Actualize idea:
Idea 16, November 26, 2006, Harness energy from people using gym bicycle/rowing mill
做Gym救地球 慳電又慳錢 踏跑步機1小時=亮燈2小時 2007-02-28, 香港經濟日報, A10, 新聞特寫, 何美華

An idea a day:
80. Use mobile phone as a ultimate remote control.
There are in the market many kind of all-in-1 remote control which could take over all the controls for your home appliances, eg. TV, DVD, computer, air conditioner, projectors, etc.

If we could have mobile phones which can act as a control, then it should be the most convenient appliances.

People easily lost their remote control, but as cellphone is a proximate gadget, we could find it and use it easily.

This cellphone control may not be only used at home, it could also be used at office/ school, it could act as a powerpoint presentation controller, letting you to do transition of slides back and fore, without touching the computer.

Mobile phone has transmission technology other than infra red, electronic appliances could match with them and update the controlling method, like using bluetooth/ Radio Freq, in this way, the control need not to be facing the receiver directly, and the distance of control could be much longer.

In addition, manufacturer could save $$ on control by not producing them, just let people to use their personal phone for controlling, it could release burden on their marginal margins.


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